Understanding roulette wheel and exploiting possibilities

Talking about :

• Predicting roulette levelled wheel.
• Roulette program IQE6 vs. Acrobat.
• Real problems of predicting roulette.
• Increasing chances on a roulette wheel with dominant ball drop point, a tilted wheel.
• Tilted wheel with one dominant diamond, two dominant diamonds and 2-3 dominant diamonds realistic scenario.
• Roulette program FFV-Acrobat vs FFA-Viper.

I am going to look into the most common type of roulette wheels with 8 diamonds where 4 diamonds are placed in vertical position and remaining 4 in horizontal. Vertical diamonds for a roulette advantage player are the most important since when the ball is exiting the ball track most of the time, it hits one of them.

The picture shows a wheel and four vertical diamonds distanced by 90 degrees from each other.


If the wheel is perfectly balanced, without any imperfections, theoretically the ball will hit each diamond equally. On the picture, it’s represented by green, yellow, red, and blue colours.
Let’s assume somewhere during the spin one ball rotation takes 1200ms next one 1400ms, so the difference in between rotations is 200ms. If full rotation difference is 200ms, then ¼ of rotation is about 50ms. Since on the wheel, everything is balanced this picture shows how the ball with a speed range from 1200-1250ms/rotation will hit green diamond 4.

A bit slower ball 1250-1300 will hit yellow diamond 3, 1300-1350ms/rotation will hit the red diamond, and 1350-1400 will hit the blue one. (the ball is travelling in clock way direction CW)
If someone tries to predict, where on the wheel the ball will drop, he would have to be very accurate in measuring the ball speed. Measuring ball time with a resolution of 50 ms wouldn’t be good enough since the 50ms is only a ball speed range but the player would need to know more precisely where that 50ms range on a particular wheel starts and where it ends.

On this wheel diamond four represented with 1200-1250 ms /rotation, but on the other wheel, it may be 1220-1270, for the player to reasonably well know which diamond the ball will hit and where it will drop on the rotor, measuring ball time with an accuracy of few milliseconds would be required. It’s also important to understand that in reality, not always 1200-1250 ms/rotation ball speed range will hit the diamond 4. For example, 1200 -1210ms may occasionally hit different diamond due to various factors, same applies to 1240-1250ms ball time.

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If the player has 10ms accuracy because of all of this, it means he will have a chance of 20ms to be wrong against 30ms to have a correct prediction (from total 50ms for each diamond). Such ratio is not very good to play. Also, no human eye can detect ball speed with such precision, therefore, and there is no visual method to predict roulette levelled wheel on such principles. The only method to predict a levelled roulette wheel is myrulet E2 system explained here

To apply E2 roulette system an accurate timer is required so the player doesn’t judge the ball speed but he observes ball movement during the long reference time.

Few more words about previously mentioned 20ms bad against 30ms good ratio.

We can look at it as 2 against 3 (2//3 ratio), or from 5 spins 2 will be predicted badly, and three will be predicted correctly.

Of course, after understanding why it can’t be done visually, the next question may be how about FF roulette computers since ratio two vs 3 sounds bad.

FF roulette computers are very accurate in time measurements; the main problem is players own errors during clocking. But the FF uses two or more clocked ball rotations to predict, with such approach accuracy of measured time is better than 10 ms. That slightly improves ration 2/ vs 3 , it sounds better, but there is more to explain.

In this example ball times of about 1200 – 1400ms/rotation is used, and 2/3 ratio is estimated based on that ball speed range. If the prediction is done few ball rotations earlier, then it may be 900-1000ms/rotation. Notice how here the difference in between two ball rotations is not any more 200ms but only 100ms. If the player is predicting in that moment during the spin; then from 100ms difference there is only 25ms per each of 4 diamonds. It would make 2/3 ratio worst. For same reason predicting roulette leveled wheel earlier in time, rapidly injects inaccuracy.

That explains why I often say levelled wheel reasonably well can be predicted only 3,4,5 perhaps six rotations before then the ball drops. It may contradict with some making videos how they are predicting levelled wheel 15 rotations before then the ball drops knowing exactly which diamond the ball will hit. It’s simply nonsense, not worth commenting.
At such early prediction, the ball speed of one rotation may be 500ms, and next one may be 508ms/rotation. It’s only 2 ms per vertical diamond. Even if the system measures it with 1 ms accuracy the ball travels on the ball track which is never perfect, the ball is never 100% balanced, and because of that it never travels the same distance. On such long ball run of about 15 seconds until it drops the difference is often ½ of ball rotation, which means same ball speed simply because of physical imperfections may once hit diamond 1, next time diamond 2 or 3.

FF has two programs that can predict a levelled wheel;
IQE6 and Acrobat.

So what is the difference and what’s better?

IQE6 works differently, it doesn’t predict which diamond the ball will hit but it predicts where on the rotor the ball will drop. The prediction is proportional with measured ball speed. The faster ball system predicts that the ball will travel further. From previous example 1200-1250ms /rotation ball hits same diamond 4. IQE6 wouldn’t predict 1200 and 1250 with same result. The ball with measured 1200ms/r is faster therefore it will predict it to travel longer. Even the ball doesn’t travel longer when it comes to diamond 4 and hits it, the hit is at much higher point on the diamond if compared to hit 1250ms ball would make. Such higher hit makes the ball to fly for longer until it hits the rotor. For that reason the difference in prediction is justified.

On the other hand, the Acrobat even if set to 4 diamonds predicts on a tilted wheel principles. All ball speeds 1200-1250 ms/r would be predicted same. If the ball misses particular diamond, then the error would be larger since the Acrobat doesn’t proportionally increase prediction based on the measured ball speed. The IQE6 can predict every spin while the Acrobat to be able to make an advantage needs to be set to narrower accuracy settings which would restrict some spins to be predicted.

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On this picture we can see the Acrobat set with only 4 spins , one for each of 4 vertical diamonds.
4 black lines represents each set spin. When selected accuracy is applied it makes each line wide as it is marked in doted area. You can see black lines are not in middle of ball speed ranges that lead to a particular diamond. The line on yellow area is furthest from the center. For that reason even if everything is perfect, under particular conditions she system can confuse diamond 3 and 4. The system should detect such situation and inform the player that it’s not sure what to predict but it will ‘predict the best it can.

You can also see clean red, green, blue and yellow areas. When the ball is within that range, the system will not predict. Such area can be covered by changing systems accuracy settings or by adding more set samples. While such change will cover the area better, it will also add more overlaps, so the system would signal more often that it is not sure where the ball will hit. Adding more samples is better than increasing accuracy level.

IQE6 is also better in correcting clocked mistakes since it constantly learns how the ball decelerates in each moment during the spin. While tilted program set on four diamonds predicts diamond 1 or 2, the IQE6 predicts and values in between two diamonds.
IQE6 is better for predicting well-levelled roulette wheel, and the Acrobat is better for predicting where there is a significant disturbance in relationship to percentage how the ball hits vertical diamonds.

Acrobat also has a unique feature where it can set how the ball will jump for each diamond or even how it will jump when it hits a particular part of the diamond. Most importantly it also informs the player abut such situations, so they know what to expect; without it, it would be useless and only confusing. Such feature is not required on a roulette levelled wheel since all four diamonds are treated equally, and position on which the ball hits the diamond is not as wide as it is happening on a tilted wheel.

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• How to achieve the highest advantage at the roulette table?
• Effect of dominant ball drop point or tilt.

First, let’s look the picture at the right.
It’s different if compared to pictures in the previous post.
Here you can see very large green area representing measured ball times hitting the green diamond.
From 1200 all the way to 1350ms/rotation. That’s 150 ms difference, followed by 50 ms distributed for yellow, red and blue.

Someone new may ask why such change and what is the point of it?

A roulette wheel with a dominant ball drop point is a wheel where the ball drops more often than it should. In a previous article, I’ve divided all ball hits to 4 vertical diamonds equally 25% for each to represent a levelled wheel.
On this picture green diamond gets 75% of hits and all remaining three diamonds together have 25% of hits.
Such distribution, as usual, is caused by defects on the wheel. For example, the ball track may be damaged causing the ball to exit more often at that point. Another reason could be if the wheel is not perfectly levelled.

The roulette wheel is a very sensitive device; one side can be only 0.5mm higher to create such effect.
For better understanding instead of 0.5mm difference, you can imagine 10mm. If the green diamond is 10 mm higher than the red one after the ball passes the green diamond it actually goes down the hill. Therefore it doesn’t like to stop at blue and red diamonds, since it gained some speed, then it starts going up the hill but the hill takes more energy from the ball, and it causes the ball to drop at the green diamond more often. Of course based on tilt on the wheel the ball may hit and the other diamonds as on this picture.
The point is that equal distribution across all four vertical diamonds is effected and some diamonds are getting more hits. When someone is experimenting with a wheel, of cours,e, he is not going to damage the ball track, all he needs it to create some tilt on the wheel. For that reason we call it a roulette tilted wheel; even the tilt may not be the main reason, the effect is same.

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On this picture is simple tracing method to record diamond hits on two different wheels for clock and anti-clock way ball direction. Drown white X lines are positioned as diamonds from position player may be looking the wheel. Red dots are marks for each ball hit at the particular diamond.

Wheel 1, ball CW direction has the most hits at diamond 1, when the ball is in ACW direction it has two dominant diamonds (1and 2). Wheel 2 for CW ball direction doesn’t have any dominant diamond but for ACW ball direction dominant diamond (DD) is diamond 1. This wheel most likely is not tilted, but the dominant point is created because of some deformations on the ball track affecting ball when is travelling ACW. It is essential to get such data independently for both ball directions since results can be very different. In some cases, even opposite diamonds can be dominant.

How dominant ball drop point on a roulette wheel can increase players advantage?

The easiest way to understand it will be if you go back to the first article which you need to understand.
On a levelled wheel I estimated 2//3 ratio, where with 10ms accuracy from predicting 5 spins the player will end up predicting two spins badly and three spins correctly. (20 ms against 30 ms)
Now if we look the first picture here, where 150 ms ball speed range is hitting the green diamond, then the ratio is changed. Now it is 20//130, or 2//13. Meaning; from 15 spins, two spins (based on the same accuracy in measurements) will be badly predicted, and 13 spins will be predicted correctly. Dominant ball drop point greatly improved the quality of prediction, but not so much as it looks alike. In reality, levelled wheel wasn’t so bad nor tilted wheel is so good, and I’ll explain it here.

I want you to notice here that 150 ms/r is much larger ball speed range, the even human eye with some training and techniques can detect it, on a bit different way but still useful enough.
When I talked about ratio 2//3 and 2//13, it relates to precisely adjusted roulette computer and reasonably clocked ball speed used for calculation.

On a levelled wheel with 2//3 ratio is important to understand what happens when instead of one diamond the ball hits the other one. Since diamonds are nine pockets distanced and in last rotation, the ball travels about 0.5 sec from one to the other one , in which time and rotor moves for about 3 pockets, the total mistake is 12 pockets. That will be the difference in between bad and good diamond hit if the system as Acrobat is predicting (the Acrobat can avoid some of such errors). In the case of IQE6 it would be about 6 pockets, already explained in the previous article. So it is not so bad especially if you are familiar with an understanding of ball scatter overlaps. The main disadvantage for the levelled wheel is a late time of prediction.

On the other side with the tilted wheel the differences are greater, it can be created in different ways and not so constant. On a tilted wheel same as just explained can happen, the ball hits next to diamond; then the mistake would be same ~12 pockets. But it can happen that in last rotation because of tilt the ball makes an extra rotation or ¾ of rotation producing a different error. Also, the computer or a VB player can predict in different ball rotation producing an again different result. And finally, 2//13 ratio is not so high if we take in consideration remaining 50 ms where the ball did n’t hit the dominant green diamond. I’ll explain that later also why it doesn’t always have to mean losses. Putting it all together even on a tilted wheel it’s not everything so green and great therefore we are continually trying to improve to get most of it.

Let’s first look few different scenarios on a roulette tilted wheel.


I was just noticing how much your written English has improved since you started this project!

Maybe we should charge you a fee for making you practice so much? ;D ;D ;D


English is not the official language of the country where you are?

Here is one problem, about which Forester say only by one sentence. That is human mistakes in clicking swich. I have some program with which i can measure mistake which i do when i click. Of course some peoples have better sense and make smaller mistakes other do biger. But still they are big enough that our prediction can varry very much only because them. And we make mistakes when we do setup of system and make mistake when we measuring ball and rotor.

Mistakes in measuring rotor is not super sensitive but in measuring ball they can be very essential. I done many tests on that, measuring diferent intervals and found that reall mistake for one interval so two clicks is in averidge about 60ms and that is absolute mistake so it can be to one side or to other. I read many articles about human reaction so acordingly them human reaction to unexpected even is about 150 ms. when we click for ball or rotor we expect that event when ball will be in particular position but here is also neuronical signal time from our eyes till hand to press. So i determine mine reaction as about 60 ms what is not enough to get right prediction.

But when we measure more ball rounds in two clicks and after do some calculations for finding something like averidge we can get much better results. From mine experiments when i click 5 ball rotations as one i can determine duration of last round +/-10 ms. And main part of clicks will be in range about +/- 3ms. That is good but time for 5 ball rotations is big and we almoust never will have enough time to bet.

Thanks Mike,
Probably there is some improvement but sometimes I just spend more time with something I write then it looks better :D.

@ rremoroulette yes it is but it’s not my mother’s tongue.

As much as I was good in learning science I was far worst in learning other languages.
After 8 years studying it in Croatia last year professor told me “I’ll pass you only because your all other marks are the best Ï hope you’ll never need English in your life.”

Actually my English was better before then I met Mike, at that time I used it more, and had to write a lot for school and work. I finished here 4 years electronics eng, and did 2 years operational management (just to improve English).
At work I use to have a nice girl when writing test procedures she was fixing mistakes I make. When talking I also have strong accent, but still when we won Australian Quality Award as a team leader I was having presentations in front of few hundred of managers.
Then for few years I didn’t write anything in English, since it wasn’t my strong point I forgot half of what I’ve learned before.

@ bebediktus
There are mistakes but not so much.
I doubt your program especially if it is made for PDA.

I suggest you take programmer and read clocked ball set rotations from FF, you’ll see the difference.
With 2 ball rotations clocked mistakes should be most of the time under 10 ms.
If it is not enough then clock 4 ball rotations, the Acrobat will use all 4 when predicting second time.

I understand what are you saying, if one rotation is clocked 30 ms longer , then next one is starting 30 ms shorter , if last click is also clocked 30 ms shorter then it may make 60 ms error.

For same reason I was laughing when Stefano showed his video where predicting leveled wheel with a single ball rotation clocked. FF even is far more accurate in measurements then a mobile phone never used a single ball rotation to predict.

Fist I thought my clocking is very accurate, it looked to me as that but when I tested it on method probably similar as you were doing I found out that it is not so accurate. Expected mistakes could be up to 30 ms but the FF never uses a single rotation when playing or when looking for samples.

The FFA –Viper when setting gives feedback about clocked ball speed. It is after correction, most of the time it was under 3 ms.

Here is the test for you.

Set the FF-Acrobat on a single spin, only one sample.
Set accuracy to 5 and play.
Try to predict 4-5 rotations to the end of spin.
Assuming the ball rotation is about 1400ms/r the ball moves 38 ms per pocket.
Now predict same spin at same time but do clocking 1 pocket to the right, then 1 pocket to the left. If you get it predicted your clocking is fine and the total error is under ~10 ms.


Yes i will plan to buy programer to see what i clocked, i done similar tests on video in calm situation all is perfect but in casino i usuall feel himself that i do setings not perfect and when clocking ball i also feel that they are not perfect.

If you can do the test it means your clocking is reasonable.

The system doesn’t have a fear sensor to make a compensation for clocking in a stressed environment. :stuck_out_tongue:
Only joking.

You look to me as someone who plays a lot and the FFV is not your first FF, so you should be stress free. You need to find out why it is that you feel that way. I can only assume it is because of results you see.

If you are not getting results with the Acrobat sure it can be because of bad clocking but also because of many other factors. If the time differences in between rotations are smaller then of course it is easier for the system to make a mistake, especially if you are predicting earlier during the spin.

The Acrobat is equipped to predict individual diamond but there is always limit what can be done.
Let’s say until the ball is 1.2 sec the ball is slowing down 7 pockets/s^2. (7 pockets in a second on a power of 2)
While the ball deceleration is reasonably constant the time differences in between rotation changes exponentially. While at some place during the spin you can have one rotation 0.8 second and next one 1 sec with nice difference in between of them of 200ms; at the other moment you may have one rotation 0.5s and the next one 0.52s where the difference is only 20 ms.

You can see the time of rotation is about halved from 1 sec to 0.5s but the difference in between rotations reduced 10 times ; from 200 ms to 20ms. Such reduction is negative for predictions since the difference is what the computer uses. 20 ms is really not much, if you get right ball rotation that’s still something but you can forget about getting the right diamond each time. With later prediction your changes are increasing, after the ball passes one second per rotation the ball deceleration may drop, but it doesn’t matter since the difference in between rotations still is reasonable for a decent prediction.

Yes i will plan to buy programer to see what i clocked, i done similar tests on video in calm situation all is perfect but in casino i usuall feel himself that i do setings not perfect and when clocking ball i also feel that they are not perfect.

Excluding the fear clocked spins in casino are always more accurate then clocked spins from recorded video.

There could be a few scenarios here such as:

• Single dominant diamond,
• Only two dominant diamonds,
• Two dominant diamonds,
• Three dominant diamonds.

I’ll explain for each situation how roulette player can gain an advantage and win but the first brief description of roulette visual prediction methods.

How it is possible to visually predict a roulette wheel

In the post, you can find information from primary simple dealer’s signature to various ballistic visual prediction methods.

Traditional roulette visual prediction explains how to identify a particular ball rotation during the spin. After that it’s easy. Dominant ball drop point provides information where the ball will drop. Only what’s left for the player is to define how the rotor will move for the remaining time of the spin until the ball hits the DD. Knowing it the player will also know at which number the ball will drop.
If you need a more detailed explanation for example how to identify particular ball rotation during roulette spin, I would recommend Laurance Scotts material.

• Professional Roulette Prediction: Volume 1 — Basic Methods
• Professional Roulette Prediction: Volume 2 — Advanced Methods with Roulette Analyzer™

In the Volume one, Scott explains cross patterns, while in Volume 2 he explains visual and acoustic as a method to identify particular ball revolution. Of course, his package includes much more than just a simple explanation.
Another interesting method to identify a particular ball rotation and the best moment during the spin, when is the smallest chance for mistakes I’ve found in material from masteroulette.com. Such method was used for years by top VB roulette players.

In VB2 forums section, I explained similar method using mobile phone vibrating timer.

Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond.

missing roulette image

On the right-hand side of the picture an example for such wheel is highlighted in red. Most of the ball hits are at the top diamond, there are few hits on the other diamonds, but from a perspective of an advantage player, for now, that can be ignored. What happens if the ball doesn’t hit main dominant diamond (DD) I’ll explain on a different example where such diamonds are getting more hits.

Tilted roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond provides the highest and easiest chances for an advantage player. You already learned how dominant diamond is getting grouped wider range of different ball speeds then of course if there is only one diamond getting most of the ball hits the ball speed range is the widest making it easiest for an advantage player to predict it.
Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond can very successfully be predicted almost with all advantage player methods.

How roulette visual ballistic player would predict it?

VB player will, for example, identify 6th rotation to the end of the spin, at that moment read number under the diamond. Knowing there is remaining five ball rotations until the ball drops. They can convert five remaining ball rotations to time, for example, it could be 8 seconds. If the rotor is moving 4 seconds per rotation, then they know that in remaining 8 seconds the rotor will make two full rotations and at the moment when the ball drops there will be the same number they noticed just after the 6th ball rotation.

Visual players don’t have to identify 6th ball rotation every time, sometimes they can make a mistake but since the payout is 1:36 they will be ok if they do it correctly most of the time.

How a roulette computer player would predict it?

Since this is the most comfortable condition, many different approaches would do the job.
Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond; group’s full range of ball speeds to hit at a single diamond. For example, the ball speed may be even 200 ms different, travel the same amount of rotations and still hit the same diamond. Because of so wide 200ms range, it is relatively easy to predict such wheel with a roulette computer even, some well programmed mobile phones or PDA’s can reasonably predict it. (Such devices may make just in time measurements mistakes as 20 ms but because the ball speed range is much larger as 100-200 ms; 60-80% of spins still may be predicted well. This doesn’t include additional possible errors on the wheel or human clocking but purely errors created by the inaccuracy of time measurement)

Method 1

The simplest way would be to program the computer in this way.
Set the time frame for example 1200-1400 ms to identify particular moment during the spin.
Set the remaining time from the moment until the ball drops, for example to 8 seconds.
During the spin, the player first clocks the rotor to get time how long it takes the rotor to make a full rotation. Then the player starts clocking the ball, each time when it makes a full rotation. The computer measures the time of ball rotations. For example, first ball rotation may be 800ms, then 920ms, 1100ms, 1300.
When 1300 ms ball rotation is clocked the computer identifies it within particular speed range (1200-1400 ms), it uses 8 seconds remaining time and rotor time to calculate how much the rotor will move until the ball drops at the dominant diamond.

Since this is a basic method, this approach may only produce a bit more stability comparing it to the visual ballistic player. A roulette computer doesn’t get tired, but a VB player still keeps the greatest flexibility.


  1. Prediction always at the same moment during the spin, it can be suspicious. If the dealer starts calling a bit earlier no more bets the player can’t have earlier prediction since his time of prediction is defined by time frame he pre-set.

  2. Same as the player can’t predict earlier he can’t predict later. For example, the dealer may start spinning short spins, after clocking rotor the ball speed may be already slower then defined in his time frame.

  3. The player has to clock to many ball revolutions to get to the ball speed which computer can handle.

  4. The player never know what to set for the time, he may set 1200-1400 trying to get 6th ball rotation, but the 6th ball rotation may be from 1260 to 1380.

  5. Even amount of remaining ball rotations until the ball drops may be the same, it doesn’t necessary means that the ball will complete it at the same time. Since a wide range of different ball speeds is grouped to hit at a single dominant diamond, different ball speeds take different times to complete remaining rotations. The difference in time on 5-6 remaining rotations cam reach up to one second which on a rotor spinning two seconds per rotation would create 18 pockets error.

Method 1 approach; you can see on videos published by Stefano from genuine winner site.

Method 2

A better way of prediction would be with programs as Michael Barnett from survtech.com has created.
It is similar to the previously explained process, but also Michae,l has a special way how to determinate where and how wide the time frame for prediction should be.
Pros and cons are the same except point 3 because the time frame can be precisely adjusted.
In a similar way and roulette program Viper from myrulet.com for the FFA works. The Viper has some additional important options for more realistic casino conditions.

This method can very accurately predict a single or only two dominant diamond wheels.


  1. Prediction always at the same moment. If the dealer starts calling a bit earlier no more bets the player can’t have earlier prediction since his time of prediction is defined by time frame he pre-set. Also constantly predicting in the same moment during the spin is not very covert.

  2. The player has to clock to many ball revolutions to get to the ball speed which computer can handle.

  3. Even amount of remaining ball rotations until the ball drops may be the same, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ball will complete it in the same time. Since a wide range of different ball speeds is grouped to hit at a single dominant diamond, different ball speeds take different times to complete remaining rotations. The difference in time on 5-6 remaining rotations cam reach up to one second which with a rotor spinning two seconds per rotation would create 18 pockets error.

  4. It may require many spins to set. For example 10 for each ball direction.

Method 3

Unlimited roulette computer program.

A few years ago we came to an idea to try to predict roulette spins but in any ball rotation.
Myrulet VB2 was created which compared to traditional roulette visual prediction is the only one method capable predicting in literally any ball rotations.

In parallel line with it, we managed to create and Unlimited program for FF roulette computers capable of predicting at any moment during the roulette spin. This was possible to achieve with good accuracy only because FF roulette computers have the most accurate hardware for time measurements. For the same reason, the FF computers are the only one capable of predicting at any time and multiple times during a single spin. It allows the players to actually test the quality of predictions at any desired moment during the spin, to get as many predictions as they like with any amount of ball rotation clocked.

There is a lot of rubbish selling on the internet under the name of a roulette computer. As usual, it is just a Java application for mobile phones, which by the look or it’s performance is not a match for covert very small and accurate professionally made roulette computers. Of course, they trying to hide stuff like this; knowing their product will struggle to predict the same spin even at same moment during the spin but the FF roulette computers can do more, and we are not afraid to show it and to let the users have it.


  1. This method can accurately predict a single or only two dominant diamond wheels.

  2. It provides to the player flexibility to predict at any moment during the spin, therefore, calling earlier no more bets wouldn’t affect the player. Without any adjustment, they can simply start predicting earlier.

The unlimited system doesn’t require many ball rotations to be clocked. When players using Unlimited system (FFZ/V) they clocks every second ball rotation, it gives them much time in between to look around, so they don’t appear stare on the wheel.
More time in between clicks is good since the player can better prepare for next click for example if they are clocking very short, early ball rotations during the spin. It is also valuable if foot clocking is used.

Need more accuracy? It’s not a problem clock additional two ball rotations, and without any previous settings, the computer predicts again this time with a time of four ball rotations used.

  1. Possible very early reasonably accurate predictions.

  2. The Unlimited is very easy to set. While Method 2 may require many spins to set appropriately, the Unlimited can be set with a single spin, and if there is a change on the wheel, it can easily be readjusted.

On the video, you can see ow Unlimited multiple predictions at any time during the spin are predicted with FFA roulette computer.


  1. It may not be accurate as explained Method 2 since the system can predict at any moment during the spin which of course is like shutting a target at 50 m range or 500 meters. Another reason; the set is not so accurate as with Method 2, allowing the slightly higher amount of spins to be mispredicted.

Method 4

The Acrobat

Anything that any of previously explained methods can do the Acrobat can do better. You can read about the Acrobat here;


Next, only two dominant diamonds.

Cool. Thanks Forester. Love your explanation :slight_smile: Can’t wait more

Thanks 8)

Very nice topic and i like how you illustrate the dominant drop zone using a cross - simpel and clear - very cool …


[quote=“lucky_strike, post:13, topic:804”]Very nice topic and i like how you illustrate the dominant drop zone using a cross - simpel and clear - very cool …


That’s from a real search for tilt.
On last picture the crosses are positioned inline because it is only a sample to show different diamond hits but on previous one you could see they are on an angle as the diamonds position from position I would play.
On that way I could easily track 4 wheels for (A) anti-clock and © clock direction on a small card casino supplies.
1 A - C
2 A - C
3 A - C
4 A – C
It is really a first step before play.

Nice work Forester, gave me something to read and v. interesting, ill have to re-read again a few times in order to expand my knowledge : p

Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond is hard to find in the casino but not impossible.
I’ve played wheels where the ball would hit a single dominant diamond 80% of times. Sometimes such high hit rate is happening only in one ball direction while in the opposite direction the percentage of hits may be far less. From some people I know, there are wheels with almost 100% single diamond hit.

Is finding such roulette wheel a guaranteed licence to print money?

As far as I can say with a roulette game nothing is ever guaranteed, finding a strongly tilted wheel is just one of predisposition for roulette advantage play.

For example, the ball may be very bouncy so what would be the point of predicting where on rotor the ball drops; if the ball from that point can jump almost equally to any other position.

On some wheels, rotor speed is far too fast making ball jumps distribution almost random and very hard for a player to adjust for rotor changes.

The wheel may be automated where the rotor speed is changed during the spin after no more bets were called.

Some wheels have inbuilt random rotor deceleration making rotor to decelerate each spin differently.

No more bets (NMB) may be called far too early where the player will not have enough time to predict and to place bets…etc
One is for sure making money at roulette is proportional to conditions the player finds; skills and knowledge he has.

missing roulette image


On the picture in the top right-hand corner, you can see the distribution of ball hits when only two dominant diamonds are involved. Instead of writing explanation I made a small video explaining why and how is possible to take advantage in such situations.

Only two dominant diamonds on the roulette wheel as usual is created by reasonable tilt on the wheel when the highest point is on a horizontal diamond. Then two nearest vertical diamonds share the highest amount of ball hits. On such wheel, if the rotor is slow, an advantage player can get almost same results as on the single dominant diamond wheel. It is because such wheel creates an effect as I’ve explained in the video. The player doesn’t need to know which of those two diamonds the ball will hit therefore nothing additional is required to play such wheel. Any advantage play method can predict it with the same principle as predicting a wheel with a single dominant diamond.

Note; such scenario on some occasions if it doesn’t have enough tilt may cause the ball to drop mostly on a horizontal diamond positioned in between two dominant diamonds. Horizontal diamond hits may cause the ball to not directly drop on the rotor but to turn in to a spinner producing random results.

Example; comparing a single with only two dominant diamonds roulette wheel.

A single dominant diamond roulette tilted wheel
Somewhere during the spin, we measure the time that takes the ball to make a revolution.
After some measurements we conclude for example; when the ball takes in between 1200 to 1400ms per rotation it spins for additional five rotations, and it hits the dominant diamond. Knowing it; we try to define when the ball is at that particular speed range and predict accordingly knowing that from that moment the ball each time will travel equal amount of rotations and hit the dominant diamond.

Only two dominant diamond roulette tilted wheel
Somewhere during the spin, we measure the time that takes the ball to make a revolution.
After some measurements we conclude for example; when the ball takes in between 1200 to 1400ms per rotation it spins for additional 5 or 4.25 rotations, and it hits one dominant diamond. Knowing it; we try to define when the ball is at that particular speed range and predict accordingly knowing that from that moment the ball each time will travel 5 or 4.25 rotations and regardless which of the diamond it hits we would still get same results.

Obviously on a single dominant diamond, if the diamond is not getting 100% of hits when the ball hits, for example, a diamond after 5.25 rotations, we can easily spot it. With two dominant diamonds, we do not always count remaining rotations so we can know if the ball made 4.25 or 5.25 by observing the number when the ball hits the diamond and drops on the rotor. If for example we play visually and we notice the ball often starts making that ¼ of rotation extra making bad results for us; we would try to predict when the ball is a bit slower. Or re-tune the offset and play two diamonds with remaining 5.25 to 6 ball rotations.


The picture represents a wheel with only two dominant diamond hits.
Diamond 4 is getting 60 percent of ball hits, and the diamond one is getting 40%.
If we precisely measure ball speed somewhere during the spin, we would find that 1320-1400 ms mostly hits the diamond 1, and 1180-1300 ms are hitting at blue diamond 4.

Roulette computers;

Method 1 (previously explained)
Will set the time frame by guessing it then observe and readjust trying to get it right

Method 2
Will to set the time frame precisely probably a bit narrower to avoid some bad predictions.

Method 3
Unlimited would leave set when the ball is somewhere at the middle range as 1300ms

Method 4
The Acrobat would set few spins for each of the dominant diamonds, this way regardless which diamond the ball hits and regardless of rotor speed results will be very accurate. With previous methods 1-3 on a wheel with two dominant diamonds prediction results will be reasonably good only if the rotor speed is slow.

The acrobat will also reduce additional errors because remaining 5 rotations are not always precisely the same time that the ball travels.

For example 1200 ms/r ball and 1300 ms/r ball may travel additional 5 rotations and hit the same diamond but of course, slower ball will take longer to complete it. The remaining time difference can be even up to one second. It means the prediction may be wrong by up to amount of pockets rotor makes in for that time difference. With a rotor moving 2 seconds per rotation such error may be up to 18 pockets, on slower rotor it may be up to 10. The acrobat simply handles it better since it doesn’t use fixed remaining time but it calculates it for each clocked sample differently.

Very true statement about the single dominant diamond wheels not always playable.

Have an automated wheel in my neighborhood with something like 80-85% of the spins hitting particular diamond and still the early NMB and fast rotor(alternating from spin to spin between ~ 1.5 and ~2 sec per rotation) makes it near impossible to obtain an edge.Still had some medium success with DS on carefully selected rotor speeds though.

If you are not getting results with the Acrobat sure it can be because of bad clocking but also because of many other factors.
I know why that happend - the main problem is that the same speed can lead to diferent distances up to whole round. That is because of diferent manier of throwing ball. say one dealer 1200-1300 ms leads to some particular diamond, but on other dealer to the same diamond leads 1150-1250ms, so if i set on that first dealear and mine set for that diamond is say 1270 so not averidge and come that second dealer then i can misss very wide and not understand what happend. But if mine set is around say 1225 then it can be good for bouth dealers.

Yes, for same reason you always must have the knowledge where the ball is expected to drop and constantly observe it.
Because with the Acrobat you can adjust individual offsets it’s added to the system that you can mark it as an especial spin and expect something else. Without it you would play blind and it would take much longer to detect that if there is a problem or change on the wheel.

If previously described method 2 is used and defined time frame 1200-1400 and after some time the ball start passing the predicted point you could try to readjust the time frame to something as 1150-1350.

With the acrobat such quick fix would be to clock ball at a bit earlier position for example ¼ of rotation and add to the offset +9 pockets to compensate for the change.

With every program player must not play like robot. He must always look what happend and do diferent adjustments. Try something diferent aproach. One of them is clocking ball not in the same place where we do setings. I found few others variants how to play and how to do settings .