Can VB2 be used on faster rotor speeds?
Like 2s/rev?
Only trouble.
How come?
If scatter is stable, try lourence crossovers.
the scatter isnt stable. About 40% of the time it will go abt half wheel. but sometimes more sometimes less. Can the wheel still be beaten? what about using traditional VB?
The way you describe looks promicing. Did you got any data we could look into? Something like ref number , rotor speed, diamond hitted would do the trick. …
Buy book of lourence scott volume 1. Or both, if you are serios about roulette.
Thx for ur help Sergiy. I have already read both vol of Laurance Scott books. But i thought VB2 would be easier so I tried VB2 first. But looks like VB2 not working on faster wheel speeds. I tried using 2.0s as my reference time instead of 1.2s. But Probabaly because a little change in timing would make prediction deviate like 8-9 numbers the predictions are not very linear. I might try laurance Scott methods instead.
Still a beginner here
Some data on the wheel:
Rotor speed depends on dealers. Most of the time abt 2.0-2.3s/rev
Its a anti-clockwise (ball) tilted wheel. Abt 75% of the time hitting dominant diamond. Clockwise have some tilt on same diamond but only about 40-50%.
Out of 109 spins (anti clockwise),
25 spins did not hit dominant diamond
7 spins ended up rollers
19 spins ended up 4 numbers on each side of the strike number. (Include both situations where ball travelled once around the wheel and didnt travel much)
9 spins ended up 5-13 numbers from the strike number
28 spins ended up 14-22 numbers from the strike number
19 spins ended up 23-31 numbers from the strike number
Good wheel :D. Vb2 is better on more slow rotor, in such speeds as 2-3 you have to encrease time applyed. Probably would be good idea to bett on other side of wheel as well… take data as l said previosly on every trial ( exact rotor speed…ets) , then send me … lll help.
I tried using 2.0s as my reference time instead of 1.2s.
1.2s time is the time i used in some examples but it is not the time you should use.
In casino on a 4 s rotor i use 1.5 - 2 sec time it means for 2 sec rotor it could be 4 sec.
For that you would need a timer.
And once more 2 sec rotor is a waste of time especially for VB2.
thx for all your help. I will probably be trying out laurance scott methods to see if they work.
If you deside to use crossovers, be carefull, becouse rotor speeds that lead with same crossover to different ball revolution identification on qweak rotors are closer. Use more time for rotor speed identification.
I often to mine friends say - not foreget from what we started. And we started from several playing methods, simple methods , but they where not loosing methods.
The same is from what started this forum, you are new here, i also not from begining, but still i am quite long time, so it started from discussions about several methods of play.
So that you will not foreget i will say that Forester really done at least two very big inventions and created two methods of prediction. One is VB2, other is E2.
So for theese which want to use Scotts crossovers method or other VB method, i will sugest to try E2 method, not foreget that such is. E2 and VB2 is oposite methods E2 works better on leveled wheel VB2 works better on tilted wheel. But clever player can do something like mix from them because wheel usually have bouth - some from tilt , some from level.
Really i started from such kind of play which is very similar to mix of E2 and VB2, of course mine play had only the same idea all other was diferent, and only later when Forester explained me nuances of theese methods - i understand that many years ago i himself used - similar ideas in mine play.
What is E2, where to read about it-do not seems me that I know it, where to read about it pls??
In every page of this forum in right uper part is swich with which you can do search in forum. Why you not use it ?
[quote=“Blanka, post:9, topic:1078”]Some data on the wheel:
Rotor speed depends on dealers. Most of the time abt 2.0-2.3s/rev
Its a anti-clockwise (ball) tilted wheel. Abt 75% of the time hitting dominant diamond. Clockwise have some tilt on same diamond but only about 40-50%.
Out of 109 spins (anti clockwise),
25 spins did not hit dominant diamond
7 spins ended up rollers
19 spins ended up 4 numbers on each side of the strike number. (Include both situations where ball travelled once around the wheel and didnt travel much)
9 spins ended up 5-13 numbers from the strike number
28 spins ended up 14-22 numbers from the strike number
19 spins ended up 23-31 numbers from the strike number[/quote]
You’d better try to use predictions for one direction only, ball clockwise.
Otherwise you’ll get frustrated and going bankrupt.
I think I might just use traditional VB and estimate number of revs left by looking at the ball. I might get wrong rev some of the time but maybe it can still work?
I recommend one method that is very acc.
You download a metronome for you mobile phone, it is free.
Then you let it vibrate each sec.
Now you take some dvd roulette spins from this forum or Youtube.
Each time you can feel the vibration you watch wish position the ball has on the ball track.
At some moment the ball will be almost at the same spot during two vibrations, then you have clocking the ball for 1 sec.
First you will see wider patterns where the ball is all over the ball track.
Later will you see how the ball get closer towards meeting at same spot on the ball track.
Now you make your visual read below reference deflector.
You will be early or late 9 sec to drop.
After some practice you can set the metronome at 0.8 sec and predict more early.
In theory you should be able to set the metronome at 0.5, but that is to fast for me.
I think there is a topic with the name " different ways to estimate the ball " you might read it and find different ways.
Rotor speed.
I could see one person ask Laurance Scott about fast rotor speeds.
Then Laurance reply that he some time measuring the rotor speed twice to confirm.
You can wait for zero below any vertical deflector, when it match vibration or use headcount.
Then wait 1 or 2 sec and see what number is below deflector.
The advantage to pick one speed is that you can expect the same scatter patterns, ball jumps.
You might get 20 to 40 trails to play during one evening.
One thing you can try is to take 150 to 300 rotor speed and measuring them and you will be surprised when you see how at least one speed hit 3.0 STD.
Rotor speeds are not random distributed.
thx lucky strike. your post is very helpful. only dont understand this part:
One thing you can try is to take 150 to 300 rotor speed and measuring them and you will be surprised when you see how at least one speed hit 3.0 STD.