Myrulet Visual Prediction System VB2

Yes when you have a switch that you can start time at desired moment it is the best.

However, there is a way to play with tamper. (I never tried it)

Of course we can have start of time at different point then make shifting of prediction but it may be confusing.
Alternatively we can use tamper to check rotor speed.
For example we start with zero at diamond 12, in particular time zero travels to next vertical diamond + 3 pockets.

When we change our observation to the ball we start for example when the ball is over number 22.
Now if we wait that number 22 makes to next v. diamond + 3 pockets, (it takes same time as tamper) then we read number under the ball.

If for example next spin during rotor observation, rotor makes 9 +2 pockets (slower rotor).
When we observe ball then we use time until rotor makes 9 +2.
Of course we need to shift clocking to a bit earlier position since rotor is slower.
Or perhaps with some experimenting just instead of 9+2 we can use 9 +1, that would slightly reduce time and number under the ball will be a bit earlier which is close match to distance that slower rotor will travel.

Avoid playing fast rotor and significant rotor speed changes.

I'm really very interested in learning your VB2 and fully understanding it, I still have some difficulty understanding the theory, maybe with an illustrated example it would be more clear for me. Do you have any frame by frame shot's with Avidemux with an explaination of when to look and where? And how the outcome number will be same in next rotation? This is something I don't get even when I'm reading everything on forum, i don't get any wiser.

Could you get any better results?

No, I do not have it.

It’s very simple.

Imagine rotor 4 sec per rotation.
you apply VB2 14 sec before then ball drops at 12 o 'clock, when you started there was #0 at 12 o’clock.
(You never need to notice that number.)

Lets say your reference time is 2 sec.
After applying it the ball makes exactly 3 rotations. (it could be any)
You would read numbers 5-10 at that moment since in 2 sec (reference time ) rotor moved 1/2 rotation.

But what would happened if you started 10 sec before then ball drops.
I use this values only because we know that rotor is 4 s/r so from 14 to 10 it will move by full rotation (easier understanding).
it means you start again at zero.
Now when you apply 2 sec. reference time if 2 sec is correct time the ball will make 2 rotations, in that 2 sec at 12 o’clock again you would have 5-10.

So the ball from 14 s/r to 10 s/r makes less of distance traveling by one rotation which is equal to rotor traveling in time from 14-10.
If 2 sec was to long time the ball would slow down more, perhaps when you apply it I would make 1.8 rotations. You wouldn’t read 5-10 but somewhere around number 27.
If first time you read 5-10 and next time 27 (ball clock way) it means in your ref time the ball slowed down to much, prediction in 4 sec (different starting time) shifted from 5-10 to 27.
ok, 27 is kind of shorter prediction then 5-10. It means reduce reference time because in current ref. time the ball slows down to much. So by applying ref. time 2 times during the spin you can actually check if ref time is ok.

But lets say it was ok and the ball did make 2 rotations, so your reference number is again 5-10.
It means no matter where in spin from 14-10 sec. if you start your ref. time at 12 o’clock, you should get same prediction.

When we applied time at 14 sec before then ball drops of course the ball could make any value of rotations, for example 3.2
But if the time is right if we applied it at 10 sec. then the ball has to make 2.2 rotations.

In usual when I play I start vb2 the ball makes 1.5 to 2 rotations. By observing ball position at time when reading number I also know how accurate I was in guessing to start vb2 at same moment during the spin.
1.5 to 2 would be within 2 rotations if the rotor is 9.5 pockets per sec.

hi everybody,

I’m a new member in this forum, I’m a beginner in VB but very very passionate by this.
So, I was learning alone very patiently on several video and tried to find myself some signals when I discover this great forum.
VB2 is an absolutely great method because it is relatively simple and fun. And thank very much you for sharing it for free!!

I’m training actually on further videos and it works fine but not all the time, I must practice again and again.
For example, it works perfectly on the Jafco’s videos but not very good on the SmartLive Casino videos.
(but I’m beginner;))

I have some basics questions about VB2 (sorry about that…):

Fisrt, you said on your site myroulette:
I. Heavily Tilted (Less than 4% of wheels)
ii. Semi-tilted (About 95% of wheels)
iii. Perfectly level (less than 1% of wheels)

If I understand, VB2 is only for the tilted roulette. When you said that, did you mean “heavy tilted” and “Semi-tilted” wheel?
In this case, VB2 will work on 99% of the wheel, is it true?

Another basic question:
when I arrive in a casino, how do I know if the wheel is tilted or not? How do I know if I can use VB2?

Thanks a lot :wink:

Hello and welcome.

1st of all Jafco wheel is the most easy wheel in the world and u can make good predictions even without looking at it…hahahahah!!!
In this wheel IF u know good VB u must be able to predict in almost every spin the exact number or the 2 neibours.this is the only way to find out in this particular wheel if ur VB is accurate.

In this wheel ball is hitting in almost all spins in 12 DD and some of 3ocklock DD BUT rotor speed is the ULTIMATE speed(not to slow not to fast) and u can win with the second pin also 50% of the times even if u will not apply the 2 pin game.and the scater average is 5.also IF will u bet in 2 deferent positions scater 0 and scater 7 u will win in every spin exept some very rare spiners that u can win there also by luck :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
So this wheel is not a wheel that u will see the real margin of ur VB skills.

2nd VB2 is ONLY for tilted wheels as all VB systems( if someone will tell u that he has a very good VB system that it is for level predictions he is the bigest scam ever…exept E2 of Forester but it is not practical and noone can use it(only he can after training in the gym!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :P…so no system can predict leveled)

3d with VB2 u must change some things when rotor change speeds(this is something that Forester can help u with)

In my opinion ( and u will understand that later when u will know much more about VB)Modern wheels can t be beaten by VB.because there are NOT tilted anymore and the balls and frets of wheel they use are very hard to produce a patern in scater.

The only way to have a small advantage in modern wheels is if u play with a Roulette Computer but still there things are also Dificult.U must search 100 wheels and maby only 2 will be beatable.

If VB was OK in these days a lot of Rich ppl would exist from this methods. :wink:

Hello Jerosan and welcome.
Can you point where did i say 4% wheels are tilted.
I. Heavily Tilted (Less than 4% of wheels)

By my experience there is more than that, with tilted wheel i would consider wheels where we can take advantage using kind of tilted wheel prediction.

ii. Semi-tilted (About 95% of wheels)

Again it depends how much tilted or levelled wheels are.
The wheel doesn’t have to be tilted 100% for us to be able to take advantage or it doesn’t need to be 100% levelled.

iii. Perfectly level (less than 1% of wheels)

If we look the FF as the most accurate device it still doesn’t mean that it has to produce advantage on every reasonably levelled wheel.
To be able to take advantage from levelled wheel we need additional requirement.
Consistency in ball travelling distance based on ball speed.
For example we need ball of 1,000ms to ravel x amount of rotations, if it is X +" one rotation" or minus one rotation, we can’t. "One rotation " can be any value in pockets which takes us away from prediction point.

Same applies to tilted wheel prediction with a bit less sensitivity.
Most of the time the effect what we call tilted wheel is not created by tilt but by some deformations on the ball track causing the ball to exit at particular point more often.
In some occasions it may be very sensitive point so the ball with 1000ms /r when comes to last rotation may exit or may go for additional rotation if during the time from 1000ms to last rotation it wasn’t so much affected by ball track and has a bit higher speed.

I would say reasonably tilted wheel is one that ball hits one particular diamond more then 50% of times. More is better.
It would mean that we may have reasonable advantage on 50% of spins, the ball definitely will hit and the other diamonds where at some particular rotor speeds we can score some points as well.

I’m training actually on further videos and it works fine but not all the time, I must practice again and again.
For example, it works perfectly on the Jafco’s videos but not very good on the SmartLive Casino videos.
(but I’m beginner;))

Hard for me to know why it wouldn’t work. VB2 doesn’t like fast rotor, did you adjust reference time properly, did you target earlier rotations to have prediction, does rotor speed changes a lot. Can you get ball drop point with some consistency in relationship to prediction, is ball jumping to wide …ball scatter…

Really we never know will it work or not, the best is to try and see what you get.

VB2 or any other VB it doesn’t matter. It requires good skill, even with good skill it will never match FF’s prediction , not even of unlimited stem (tilt2 is more accurate).
Having in mind that winning with FF is not easy we need to understand that VB is harder and less accurate.

How then some people won big amounts of money?
They found good conditions, they do not find it always good even they lose many times.
They also played big to win big. Considering that Ritz team only multiplied their bank roll 4 times it is not really big advantage that they have had.

Risk is always involved. When i talked with one VB player after some playing vb. I won on day $2000 next day on same wheel $4000, and next day additional $10,000.
He asked me how much did i play. I said $5 and $25 units averaging about $300 per spin across 7-8 pockets, he asked what was the table limit. I replayed $200, he laughed at me saying you should hit it even ask for more limit.
That is the difference, it was really strong tilt and good wheel, but i can’t risk so much money and i can’t expose myself so much since i need to play again.

Hi everybody,

Thanks a lot for the quick and complete answers.

Forester, in fact I’ve taken those percentages here:

I don’t know if it is yours article, but it was talking about Stephano in the middle of the page.
I think it was written by Myrulet?

Maybe, the problem I had with the Smartlive Casino’s video came from my parameter of accuracy, also I think maybe it came for sure from the quality of the video.
It is a streaming video that I record with a soft, and the streaming is not at all perfectly continuous, so I think I can mistake easily.
I have selected many videos on this site at 4 sec per rotation wheel, but never the good prediction.
I don’t think it is the good way for training VB2 :wink:

So, I will study all that you said to me, but I would like to know if there is somewhere some good videos for practice? Maybe do you have a good internet link?

I read an old post which talks about that but the link is dead:,55.0.html

Thanks a lot,


At his page Stefano grouped wheels in this order;

I. Heavily Tilted (Less than 4% of wheels):
ii. Semi-tilted (About 95% of wheels):
iii. Perfectly level (less than 1% of wheels):

That was Stefano’s grouping.

And I comment it

Expert visual players can take advantage if wheel is only slightly tilted. For example if one area instead of 25% of hits gets 35-40%. Therefore the VB player would really play semi tilted wheel. Such wheel is also possible predict successfully with IQE6. If hits are 50% plus I would probably use tilt system because it will produce greater advantage.

When you use spins from someone else, have in mind that spins are made to predict his point of view and in usual always is selected group of spins where predictions were good and where ball jumps worked in favor of his prediction.

Any camera I use, I just can’t get recording right. It is hard to see numbers.
I‘ll have to experiment more with settings.

Now I am going to do some experiments with RF modules I have, to see how they will transfer audio fro FF, also how they would work as remote switch. ;D

myrulet is when i log in as an administrator
but after i added to Forester account same permissions

[b]The easiest process how to define reference time is to apply it during same spin few times and check if result is close to same.

For example(ball CW) apply 1.5 sec , get predicted zero , then apply it again and get predicted 21.
21 is after zero it means in your reference time the ball did not slow down enough.
So try to apply 2 sec.


Some peoples aking me about my way of playing VB2, because they know that i do it slightly diferent than offer Forester. Really diference is not big and mostly is diference in calculating reference time. Forester offer such reference time which gives us most stable number . so no mater when you start at 10 rot til end or at 7 rotation till end you always see the same number maybe +/- 1-2 pockets. That of course is very good, but playing this way you must add ofset depending on rotor speed or to use program which do adjustment to reference time depending on particular rotor speed.

If that will be all that will be very good, but that is not all because depending on that how deep in spin you start cadence you must also add some ofset because remaining time till end can be diferent. How i solved this problem ? Solution is very simple - we must find such time frame ( reference time ) which show us not most stable point in every rotation but most stable point which show us finall number which will be at the end of spin in that place where we started cadence. This way we get slightly less accuracy not +/- 1-2 pockets but say +/- 1-4 pockets but we not do any reaction to moment when we start - we always can start at the same point no matter how deep we start in the spin.

Maybe for some peoples it is not so clear but that means that they not fully understand conception of how ball moving speed compensate starting position change , but about that was many writen in this forum and they must simply read once more material which is writen here.

Would be good to somehow make the VB, with a thumper that runs continuously.
Perhaps your way, if observing the ball against the frame in some ref time, then transfer result to where to read reference number in next rotation.
For example in 3 sec the ball makes 5 .5 rotations, from DD we read number ½ rotation later.
If in 3 sec the ball made 6 rotations we read number at DD. Of course where exactly to read needs to be defined to have some linearity.

Yes idea is similar and we talked about that I simply was about two weeks away. Now i return and in next week i will post some about that.

I will try abit to explain my way of playing VB2. Firstly you all must understand what point ball after reference time. It show us wheel position in particular moment. You can choose such reference time that ball will show us wheel position in that moment when ball fall to rotor and if you are good in finding right time for that you can have that wheel position very stable, at least about +/- 1/8 of round. How i find that reference time i will keep for myself, but really that is not so dificult to do simply by few experiments. So we can know wheel position at the end of spin.

If ball hits mostly to the same diamond all is super and we then can quite easy to beat wheel. Problem begins when tilt is not so big and ball sometimes hit to our DD but not so often like we wish. we knows wheel position bet in some distance which maches our averidge scatering, but ball hits not to our DD but to other and scater more than we expect and we miss our bet. After some time we noticed that if we cant predict to which diamond ball will strike we cant win at all so wheel has very slight tilt. If here are some solution or we must give up ?

I think that we can do something even in such bad situation. Lets say we play agains totally leveled wheel and every vertical diamond have the same number of hits. If it is possible to recognize to which diamond ball will strike in such accuracy that that will give us better edge that if we play only by statistick. If ball till the end one time do 20 rotations and in next spin it do 20,5 rotations if it is possible to notice that. Lets think. Ball slows down twice in about 6 sec. So if we start somewhere in the begining of spin and wait 6 sec then notice ball position and see where it hits, then in next spin when ball will do 0,5 rotation more in the same time frame usuall it will go abit faster and in theese 6 second it will do more way so we will notice diferent ball position, maybe tis way is possible to determine hiting position ? Maybe yes maybe not.

If we want get answer - yes we must always start when ball is at the same speed, and if we have such ability diference in half rotation at the end for us after theese 6 seconds will be only 0,25 of rotation and sometimes it can be very similar to that position which leads to strike to that diamond where it hits when done only 20 rotations. And even we have very sharp eyes and recognize ball position very precize and start always when ball is exactly at the same speed we still cant be 100% certain that it will be like we expect.

So where is solution ? Solution is but it is not so simple and i will not say it because it is not very clear for myself. But I try to find it and sometimes it seems to me that i am very near to him. Guide to it is to measure ball way starting from two diferent places say from 12th diamond and from 6 diamond if theese measurements maches each other prediction of ball hiting to diamond will be true at least in 75% or ball behaviour if it hits to other diamond will be so diferent that this diference will compensate that our prediction is not exact. Lets say we expected that ball will hit 12 DD and scater 18 poskets but ball hits to 3 DD but scater in this case is about 0 or even backward which leads to the same zone.

All seems very complicated and really it is but I feel from mine experimens and even from reall play that it gives some results. Not super accurate butmaybe slight better that play on simply statistical hits.

It is more as E1 system. E1 uses about 4.5 sec multiplies ball angles by 3. We target about 13-14 sec to the end of spin. E1 uses 6-7 seconds reference time and needs to multiply by 2.
If in 6 sec the ball made ¼ extra we expect in next 6 sec it will also make additional 1/4.

Observation can be done when reading number to number or reading start / end ball position on the wheel frame during the reference time. When reading ball position on numbers, we also cover for rotor speed change.

What you trying to do is a bit different. You use noticed difference to project it to result where the ball ended. For example you play 30 spins, you observe 10 spins the ball made 6.5 rotations and after that it makes additional 7, so you remember it, another group might be the ball made 6 rotations and additional 6.5 to the end of spin. It is linear and E1 works for that , but in your case your groups do not have to be linear, for example noticed 6 rotations in time frame may have 6.75 to the end of spin.

Yes we can say that it is similar to E1, but here is some diferences because we look not to the number but to ball position and that position show us position where we must start cadence for VB2. And that place where we start cadence is place where ball must hit to diamond (rotor ).

The question is if it gives us aditional edge. Lets say we have history where ball hits to DD, lets say we have history from 20 spins to one DD ball hits 7 times to other5 and to other two 4 and 4. so we can take that diamond with 7 hits as our DD and hope for aditional 2 hits over random as our edge.

So we always start at that place and hope that in 20 spins we will had 7 corect hits. Mine idea is that maybe if we try to predict which diamond will hit we will get more corect hits. If we in that case will hit right in 8 spins instead 7 as statistical it will be huge aditional edge.

And to get that we need that our prediction will be 40% right. As i say with some combined measurements in mine experiments i get about 70% corect ball landing position. Only that play is very dificult to do technical, so as i sayed you i tryed to solve with playing in team where one is doing simple VB2 and other try to predict where that first must start cadence.

Where might I find information in regards to the E1 system described in post #91 and #92 above? It would appear to be a methodology to track. Could I please read an explanation of it. I have done a search but am unable to loacte it on the fourm.

Thank You

HI, can someone help?
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Looking forward to reading VB2 - please help.


Wow, looks amazingly easy to employ. I’ll give it a good read tonight.
Thank you Forester.