I finally decided to write about the way how I play my roulette visual prediction system.
What you going to read here definitely isn’t as anything else that you could find on the net for free or that you could purchase somewhere else. VB2 roulette system has a very unique approach. Smart system design provides very accurate prediction but in same time if the system is compared to some other visual ballistic systems is very simple to use. If this system is nicely packed to be sold it would have fair price of few thousand dollars.
Main reason why I delayed writing about this system is that there are people around who reading a lot what I write, especially about roulette computers, but they misuse it and without much understanding often trying to improve their scamming product which simply can’t be improved because of wrong design. It will not surprise me if one day they start reselling this system as their own. But on the end I want this system to be used, and I do not believe it will affect me in any way.
Myrulet site is not profit oriented site, therefore giving away this system doesn’t cost us anything. Our main objective is to learn and to progress. I do not believe that in short time every single person will use it, which could affect my play, however I do believe that this system will help many and that was my objective from the start, when myrulet.com was created. Some of my friends already use it and achieving great results.
The system is based on roulette physic, perfectly balanced, based on roulette ball and rotor parameters. The systems design has idea from my E2 system which is really the only known way of visually predicting roulette leveled wheel with some success. Predictions on tilted wheel with VB2 system are much simpler and for some who are familiar with E2 there is no multiplication factor. Any single person who spend some time to understand system and who applies it on the wheel with suitable condition should have reasonable success.
Most of the other visual prediction systems are based on waiting to identify particular ball revolution. (Check UWE visual prediction http://rouletteplace.com/index.php/topic,531.0.html)
My argument about such systems is that one pocket in ball observation could cause huge error in prediction while with system as VB2 it would be only one pocket of error.
VB2 system doesn’t even require a lot of wheel watching, and unique design allows player to have prediction at different ball rotations. Time of prediction can be early during the spin allowing a lot of time to player to place bets.
I will explain systems strong sides but and weaknesses as well. Same as it is important to know what the system can do, it is important to know and potential problems that we can face during various real play conditions.
To find it all, I have spent almost 3 years, studying and testing this system in real casinos environment. I use it a lot, of course it is not accurate as my roulette computer but definitely it’s legal and it is always with me.
The VB2 roulette system can be used as it is, or we can use electronics timer to give us reference time and slightly increase accuracy of prediction.
For people who do have my roulette computer FFZ or FFA this visual prediction may be very useful. FFA roulette computer can provide to player needed information about physical parameters of the wheel they play. After knowing parameters it’s easier to define how to play VB2 system. FFZ has built in timer so it can be used as a help with VB2 system.
Of course the system can be played without having any of my roulette computers.
Here you can download systems document. It may be not in the best format and the best explained. For someone with previous experience with visual prediction I believe it wouldn’t be hard to understand everything needed from the document.
I provide system for free, but I will not and support it for free.
I know that many people will send me emails with questions and ask for help to understand system better.
I can not do it for free, so please do not send me emails with questions regarding VB2 system because I will not answer it.
There will be a FORUM section with automatic subscription where the system will be available for discussion.
It will cost you symbolic amount. I think this is a fair go, where one particular question will be answered once but all users can read it and learn form it. This fee will eliminate time wasters and it will add to our community only people dedicated to learn.
I will restrict any discussion about specific system questions on any other place then dedicated for VB2.
I also welcome VB experts who do already have access to make their comments about the system.
Of course FF users and members who already have access to development section will have access to this forum.
What you need to know about VB2 roulette system.
First of all it is a great system, if it is other way I wouldn’t use it and use something else.
It is designed to be effective only on wheels with dominant ball drop zone (tilted wheel).
It requires reasonably steady rotor to achieve best results. Few pockets per second change in rotor speed are ok.
The system is not suitable for fast rotors. I do not believe any system is.
Playing VB2 visual roulette system is fun and easy to apply, so enjoy it.
Password to read the file is myrulet.com
Updated version http://myrulet.com/visual-prediction/detail.html
you may need to register
myruletV2.doc (46.1 KB)
VB2a.pdf (129 KB)