Help with number detection

Anyone have an idea how i can detect all the numbers (tracking the green/zero and parsing the layout is not an option!). Tried with ocr but just lag and inaccurate detection -_-.Also tried yolo, perfectly anotated like 300+ images just to not work 80% of the time…

I told you, you don’t need to do such thing to make money! Focus your time beating the wheels instead of wasting time.

why should i waste hours to scrape data for just 1 wheel, when i can automate it and scrape every possible wheel?

Hours? I can do it in less than 1 hour lol. Your method simply would not work becasue even cars can’t self drive in let’s say india but a human can.

well my method is doing well i just want it to be better :slight_smile:

How much have you made. If you don’t make more than 100k a month, that is a waste of time lol.

Stop focusing on online wheels and go to a real casino which is way better and more opportunities.

:slight_smile: you again about millions… You must understand that it is not so hard to calculate how much is possible to win, you can’t win more than some % of what others lost on particular wheel…

I often lose $100000 a day playing baccarat, haha! :rofl:

Why do i need to make 100k per month to have fun? Here is a little test i recorded special for you! Looks beatable to me tbh

Here in my city people loose like millions. Don’t worry. Winning 100k spread across 5 wheels is easily to hide under the radar. You don’t even need membership card cashing out 25k usd.

I am beating actual wheels in casini lol.

I don’t know if you know what contribute to whether a wheel is beatable but they are

  1. Whether the decceleration of the ball can be estimated.
  2. Whether the drop point of the ball can be estimated
  3. Angle the ball approach the wheel
  4. Scatter

Even the scatter “looks” good, i might not be beatable becasue of 1 and 2. Different dealer had different 1,2,3,4.

I don’t think any computer programme can work becasue it simply can’t tell how much backspin a ball has based on pure ball timings. Instead, a player would listen to the chatter of the ball on the ball track and they way the dealer spin the ball and the angle at which the ball approach the rotor and whether is frequently travel up the cone. 100% sure your programme can’t work unless you speed hundred of thousands of dollars to invest in hiring engineers.

ik ik i forgot you are the only one that can beat the casino and no one else.

Can you beat roulette? From what you mention, i don’t think you do. You did not even mention problems that would be roulette player encounter.

Okay i dont get it, why are you spamming the topic with bulshit that is not related? Like the idea for a forum with a topic is to comment about that topic. Not you flexing how you make milions that no one had seen on every single post in this forum! If you have something useful “related to the topic” feel free to share it, if you are going to just spam i prefer you not doing it! Atleast not on my posts. Тhanks in advance!

It simply would not work lol. This is my advice

What online casino is that?

are you asking about the casino its self or the game provider?
etherway casino is winbet and the wheel is live european roulette by amusnet

I strongly recommend you not to play real money there expecting to win because you will eventually lose it.