this wheel is mainly for testing. im not going to actually play it until i see it worth enough
You will probably get a lot of “biased” data from your analysis, but you will eventually realize that you cannot analyze this wheels without risking money. I hope you dont lose much to them before realizing that. I suggest that before looking at the information, you pay attention at the way the ball falls and moves.That’s what should convince you of not risking money.
Good luck.
Thanks for the advice, i dont really play without being atleast 80% i wont be on a loss
I have already told you. In order to be successful in roulette, you need to have data. There is an old saying, only learn from someone who has acheived what you want to achieve.
Statistic data is like chi square, correlation test, standard deviation.
Physical data is like rotor speed, dealer, air pressure, type of spin, defects on the wheel, tilt of the wheel.
If your software can do that, thats good! However, it is easier for a human to do the above than spending an unknown amount of effort and and time in developing such programme.
At some point, you will have to play with real money.
on just 40 rounds data it was doing fine!
just having and knowing how to use: Ball_X,Ball_Y,Time_ms,Number,Direction,Wheel,Scatter is fine for now
Have you got the data for different dealer? Thats the key. I mean seperate data for different dealer and track air pressure using the location of the casino
In my case the dealer is there just to spin the ball, he has no effect with the way i predict it
It certainly does becasue a weak spin has a lot of backspin which makes the travel distance shorter. If you don’t think about these thing, you will loose money, becasue they affect the outcome of the game.
i can have the speed in ms at any given time for any possition, can have it every frame if i want
It is not about the position, it is about the way dealer spin the ball and how much back spin it has and you can’t tell unless you listen to the sound of the ball or observe the way dealer spin the ball.
Your method will give you some advnatage but if dealer change, then you will loose money.
idk dude 6/20 hit within 2 pockets is enough for me to play
thats avr for now**
Your thinking should be determining the advantage for each pocket sector by 3,5,7,9,11,13 and bet the one with highest advantage and standard deviation. Anything below 3s.d. or if the 3 pocket is not contained in the 5, and 5 in the 7 and so on, it is not playable
Please share with us when you lose all your money.
oh i play really small 2 days in the week xd