Has anyone bought Mastersroulette system, review


Recently I had a opportunity to look at the Masters-roulette system.
The stile how it is presented and formatted is similar to Jafcos system, however according to Jafco Mastersroulette.com site is different.

The masterroulette explaining kind of visual prediction already familiar to me and many good roulette VB players used it.

-has a good way of identifying particular ball rotation during the spin.
For that they suggesting following cross pattern development and act on sudden change.

-Explaining well how is possible to take an advantage on 2 or 3 pins (diamonds). For me here is interesting that they use second pin as a reference (not insisting on it). It’s exactly what I was arguing when some people insisted that has to be used first pin. Reality is; we can use any pin and still take advantage from both.

-nicely done document with additional videos for better explaining.

-explains how to clock rotor,

-made cards for rotor speed adjustments

-Highlighted points where is high possibility for someone to make a mistake.


I was very satisfied with document where it relates to tilted wheel prediction. Bu the master roulette included and solution for a roulette leveled wheel play. It really dropped my mark since it is a disaster. Kind of dealer’s signature which wouldn’t be a solution even if the wheel is 100% tilted. It looks as its added just for better marketing. The question is how ethical it is and why would someone do it. The explanation doesn’t have a theoretical chance to predict roulette leveled wheel.

-The document includes cards to make rotor adjustment based on rotor speed, and rotation in which predicting.
They made it to predict with 5, 4, or 3 remaining rotations to the end of spin. It’s done for beginners. He also explained how to make own cards for wheel you play. I didn’t spend much time with that section since it is really basic but I noticed that they didn’t provide explanation how to handle rotor speed change without cards; properly and professionally.

Way of identifying particular ball rotation is good but it is good only when the wheel has at some point (4,5,6) rotations before the end of spin, strong sudden ball deceleration change (the knee point). Other way it is impossible to find sudden change in pattern development. Also prediction with 5 rotations to the end of spin often may be too late.


The system looks so much to Jafcos VB. They switched observation from pin one to 2 which really doesn’t make any difference. Instead of just estimating they added process of identifying particular rotation which could be a big benefit, especially because they targeting time during the spin where it’s easiest to detect. Remaining of the document is similar, basics of traditional VB. The system nicely explains principle of tilted wheel and advantage play.

If you have no idea about what I was saying it may be good start for you to learn advantage play.
I’ll still be using myrulet VB2.

Well i like the explanation using 123 pin game witch is in line with my thinking - i assume many beginners would learn from that.
Regarding how to estimate the ball - i would say sure it works using deceleration for that - but you missing a valid explanation how to adjust with different rotor speeds - the solution is with the playing cards - not so good.

Any valid and good visual ballistic method show how to make clocking patterns/adjust (as one method that i send to Forester witch is complete playing model).
That is a rare thing to find as i don’t see Masters’Roulette providing one and same goes for Jafco.
Then at last the wheel signature using level wheel is a joke - my personal opinion.

Is it worth the money - i would say no as you find the same thing for free at myrulet :slight_smile:

What’s annoying me is that nobody comes with something new.
When you look at it it’s all same differently packed.
Sometimes people send me explanations how they play and I like it more than any system available to buy.

[quote=“forester, post:3, topic:721”]What’s annoying me is that nobody comes with something new.
When you look at it it’s all same differently packed.
Sometimes people send me explanations how they play and I like it more than any system available to buy.[/quote]

It’s probably because no one wants to give out their best and most current methods. You said it yourself, people have told you better methods for prediction than ones you can buy. I’m sure once they no longer become as effective as they once were, or they retire, they might just pop up for sale.

My opinion.

What is what - i would not say much is new …
All methods that cross my way has it merits and downsides.

Laurance use acoustic sound to key when to glance at the wheel using hes way.
He master all angels and have a lot of experience among other things that i wont mention.

Conclusion is that crossover work as deceleration among other sophisticated ways to estimate the ball.
It is about having a working playing model - adjust with rotor change or just play certain rotor speeds.
There exist so many solutions work out a good visual ballistic method.

It boils down to one simple thing.
You find a method that you can master from all angels and gain as much experience you can.
Be one whit what you do.

Regarding Masters’Roulette i could state that if some one back track the playing cards and understand how the clocking pattern works to adjust with different rotor speeds - then you have a working playing model.
The positive side is that you can use a static reference point for deceleration witch is not the case regarding some other visual ballistic methods - not all - but some of them.
Down side is that it is based upon rotor movement and it exist much better ways to estimate the ball - my opinion - but it is still a working way to estimate the ball.

The positive side is that you can use a static reference point for deceleration witch is not the case regarding some other visual ballistic methods - not all - but some of them.

All the VB systems are using a static reference point for decleration.

[quote=“viper, post:6, topic:721”]The positive side is that you can use a static reference point for deceleration witch is not the case regarding some other visual ballistic methods - not all - but some of them.

All the VB systems are using a static reference point for decleration.[/quote]

Well if you say so - it is fine by me - why would i argue when i know there exist others and all does you are refering to.

Maybe we missunderstand each other regarding physics.
All attempts using a static reference point should be a false positive - even if they work to estimate the ball.

The wheel is round and the ball has no memory - so when it slow down each time after each spin with different force - we don’t know precise witch momentum it leave its chaotic momentum and start to roll on the ball track and later divide from being for example at 1.0 seconds - witch happens at different spot on the ball track for every spin development.

During the split and lap times we use a static reference point and might find 0.98 to be common - but is not the same thing to say it appears at 12 a clock each time - witch is not the case when we speak of physics or the nature where the ball divide at exact time interval.

I know one way that unfold this way to estimate the ball and does not use a static reference point.
Then there is two ways to estimate - how many turnaround you are to end or timeframe to end.

I know one way that unfold this way to estimate the ball and does not use a static reference point.

Yes as you said you know ONE way… And I am not so sure if you have understood that method that u are refaring to.
All the other ways are using a static point. Even the vb2 needs the ref time to start at the same place.

Lucky strike I know you a lot of years through the Roulette forums.
I have read almost all ur posts and from the things that you say its clear that YOU HAVE READ A LOT OF VB MATERIALS BUT YOU HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD ANY OF THEM.
You have a problem in understanding the things that you are reading. Every post of urs is mistaken according to the law of physics.Mistaken to the things that you read.

This is not an attack. This is just something that I needed to say to you all those years every time that I was reading a post of urs.

The only reason that I posted this is because I don t like watching a person that has misanderstood everything in vb ,to be making posts like he is a master.

I remember a long time ago that you were reading everything about the FFZ and you were watching the FFZ videos(because as you had told me you wanted to take it)…and you hadn t understood that FFZ had the feature to add OFSET!!!
I also remember that you had read everything about the VB2 and you also hadn t understood that you can also add ofset according to the deferent rotor speeds!

And I remember a lot of other things that you had said when you read the Jafcos material … You didn t understood that either.

In general VB is not what you have understood so far. Its a lot defferent.

What you need is a person with correct understanding in VB to teach you. That s if you like sometime to learn VB…

That is fine by me as i feel the same way about you and your topics - the funny part is if i got it backwards and not you - then it is pretty funny it works for real.

I just think it is sad that you believe in such a nonsense.


Forget VB you two. The real question is who has the bigger penis.

Well i speak to Che using email and he is polite and a true gentleman answering questions and make a effort to clear things out.
So it might be worth the money for rookies to get a good start to learn one way among others to estimate and using 23 pin game or should i say understand the concept behind visually ballistic.

The discussion i at the moment have with Che is about observation point or clocking pattern to adjust with different rotor speed based upon using deceleration.
Personaly i have that solution using one other way to estimate witch more about the timeframe to end and not how many turnarounds or rev you have to end.

I notice that bout up to date and old traditional solutions are poor regarding explinations how to adjust with rotor change.

100% agree 8)

If you think about getting a copy of Masters’Roulette you can PM me - i sell my for half the price 100 Euro.
Book with dvd’s and playing cards.


[quote=“lucky_strike, post:14, topic:721”]If you think about getting a copy of Masters’Roulette you can PM me - i sell my for half the price 100 Euro.
Book with dvd’s and playing cards.


Remind me never to sell you any of my books when I publish them! hahaha

Is jumpy ball better for bias? ::slight_smile:

Hi all. I have recently puchased this system. The system makes provision for different dominant pins and unbiased wheel. I have not tried the unbiased wheel as I have not found one yet and I have been to more than half a dozen casinos to find one. I am getting success after observing a wheel for more than 8 hours if you add up the time I have spent at this particular wheel. Do not think you will just rock up at a table and start to win but if you take the time and find a suitable wheel and if you are not under the influence of alcohol and if youare willing to learn this is a great system to gain a margin in the long term…

Sorry , but when I am in the casino I am under the influence by allohol,

does Mastersroulette have some advice ?

Elhombre drunk :stuck_out_tongue: :-*

I went out last night. thank you mastersroulette. I have earned back my money what I paid for the system and build up a decent bankroll. I can now relax a bit and improvise on all other techniques that this system provides. and che is very pleasant. he answers all questions. . .

Nice to hear about your succes - great.

Yes Che Li is very polite and supportive - ask him about the Air pressure and XXXX chart - if you don’t alredy get it from him.
The XXXX chart is for sure a new parameter witch i did not know about.