2 green balls are 2 predictions that FFVB2 gives, they are inline.
First prediction happens when VB2 time elapses, then the system assumes the ball is 1.17s per rotation uses rotor speed as well, calculates the time when the ball will meet with the same number again, waits for that time and zaps again.
Two green balls are inline which means we had prediction of about 1 sec ball/r then next rotation was about 1.17s.
Blue ball with an arrow is second prediction, it passed the position of first prediction which means we predicted a bit earlier.
Red ball marked with an arrow is shorter, so the prediction was later.
This is about 3 ball rotations difference but the system would predict it equally …magic of VB2 ;D.
On most wheels we are better off when the ball is passing first time predicted number since with slower ball VB2 start losing linearity.
When we use constant timer as with VB2 without rotor calculation after applying the time we can always look and compare how much the ball travelled during that time, for example 1.5-2.5 rotations and accept it as valid.
FFVB2 changes time so double prediction may be handy. Surely who has a lot of VB experience he is confident in his judgement but after playing for longer the judgement may change. Small observation to see the difference in between 2 predictions can get us back on track.
It depends on a wheel.
VB2 is flexible, we do not have to predict most of the time when the ball is 1 sec/r. We can predict at any. For example we can predict earlier so the second prediction is 1 + ¼ of rotation form first one. However for the best results we need to keep staying in that range. On some wheels (without strong “the knee point”) we can predict later then one sec and still get good results.
System defines reference time automatically.
Until I set it many times and didn’t find mistake that system made however with stuff like that and all different roulette wheels parameters it might happen so common sense is required.
In addition after selecting FFVB2 I’ll make the system tell us basic reference time with zap pulses.
For example 2 sec reference time, will be represented with 20 pulses.
Next time if we play same wheel perhaps the system can give us 19 pulses.
FFVB2 is positioned at menu 4.
If we just click it we let the system to decide, but I will make it so the user can override system settings to any. For example press and hold the switch at menu 4 and the system counts zaps, we open the switch after 25 pulses and that will set us basic 2.5 sec which might be better if the rotor is mostly 3-4 sec per rotation. Theoretically it is always better to set it for a bit slower rotor speed then the most common rotor speed is. Such options let us have flexibility in setting FFVB2 to anything we find is good for us.
From set up spin the system also learns how long the ball will travel after 1 sec per rotation. We can’t change it but by my opinion it is not so important.
For example if the system defines it as 10 sec remaining time and we predicting 14 sec before the end of spin. VB2 covers the difference except of 4sec x change in rotor speed.
For example if the rotor changes from 8p/s to 13ps the difference is 5 pockets. Mind you that 5 pockets per sec difference is very significant. VB2 will create error of 14-10=4 , 13-8=5
5x4=20; about 20 pockets but because with increased rotor speed reference time is changing, it will increase , in that increased time (probably added around 1.5 sec for such rotor, to adjust for 5 pockets difference x 10 sec to the end is 50 pockets ) because we predict when the ball is faster it will also cross more pockets in that added time which closely matches 20 pockets difference ,reduce or cancel it completely.
Some people ask me is FFVB2 more accurate then tilt2?
If tilt2 is properly set it should be more accurate especially if it is set for later prediction.
If we compare it unlimited predictions it’s probably same.
With unlimited we clock the ball, clocking error may lead to prediction in different rotation.
With FFVB2 we do not clock ball so we do not have errors however, VB2 by itself is not so perfect.
FFVB2 is definitely less clocking so I would say it’s just another option.
Regarding tilt 2 program change, using rotor as an indicator will be removed, its not required since the system can have multiple predictions, double rotations clocking will be added.
After set up spin the system gives zaps to indicate ball speed so we can decide which spin to leave as good.
It is made on very simple way.
For example if the ball is 1345 ms.
The system will zap 3 times and again 4 times.
3 means 300ms , 4 means 40ms … 5ms is not required
So it doesn’t tell us seconds and last digit.
Since they system tells us time of 5th ball rotation from the end of spin most likely it will be one sec + something.
In the case if the ball is less than 1 sec per rotation of course we would know it since first zaps will be 9 or 8.
Zero is represented as longer zap.
For exampole
z z z z =400
zzzz =0
is 1400ms
even if zzzz we interpret as 1 it would be 1410.
I am trying to keep it simple.