I want it! ;D
Forgot to tell you, it’s only for people who made more then 100K / year :P.
Hello forester, hello all,
best abc…
when my new toy arrive I change clock button for this:
PD: cupon code not work
I have a less than two month old FFz-SH and reading up on the new version which has double clocking, VB2 and new timer it feels like mine is so out dated I can almost imagine, Jesus having something similar. The killer also is its size which allows more variety, for instance the old FFz I tried to put in to a wallet but the 3.5mm jack made this impracticle which is now also sorted, you can imagine my joy, lol.
Forester, you may have surpassed all my expections. The more I look at your latest creation it seems pretty much spot on, this makes you responsible for my dilemma so its up to you to step up and put me off because I cannot justify buying two roulette comps in two months :-.
By the way I read your emails regarding discounts but I cannot find any news on price, do you have a figure set for it yet? I am tempted :
I believe the coupon problem is fixed.
As soon when someone buys on it stopped working.
The board is 1 mm
Components 3 mm
Only current switch is 4 mm
I wouldn’t replace it for higher because if I place it in the sock and use an external switch to run to my toe nobody can see the board even if I am in summer shorts.
I still don’t try it to use under my toe in real play, but it looks as a perfect switch.
But yes you can replace it. It shouldn’t be hard.
The price is same so it can be ordered on same way.
But in your case please send me an email we will fix it on a gentlemen’s way.
There was one more person with same wishes.
Also all people are different. Someone bought the ffz I asked him to wait few weeks for new but he can’t.
Someone bough it yesterday but he wants new FFZ with older R5A program.
I wish the price of new FFZ can be increased for people who do extremely well but it can’t, so I pass discount to everyone. More people involved more ideas and I get better product for myself.
Based on improvements the price should be higher but I ordered 50 FFZ to be made so now is much easier for me to just program them and make switches then to build complete units.
Hello, Forester!
Thanks for the offer! I want to know, how much would it cost with this discount of 50%?
It is same price when you ordering at
Just apply the code and you get discount.
Thanks forester
I am interesting in the new ffz what is more little and the new vb2 programm include.
If is ready say me I order
Al days I work with r5a ffv
And basicly I am satisfied!
You are a good man ;-))
I am a bad businessman. The idea of promoting it with discount code was to sell before then it’s finished, so it obligates me to work more on it to finish it earlier. Perhaps I should make coupon only first xx or lasts until I finish.
Anyway whatever it is, The program will be done soon then I need to test it should be done this month.
Some updates,
Thank you all for support!
It’s done, all program is written and it even works at first go. (only small extras needs to be added)
Clocking double ball revolutions as one,
I made the FFZ predict then in case if we didn’t see it, it predicts again so in total 2 times; (not 3 times as previous R5A). After some practice spotting number first time is common but predicting 2 times, just in case, I believe is optimized value. Using rotor as a prediction indicator is removed. I never used it in casino. It’s slower and especially after ball indicates prediction multiple times there is no reason for that.
Each prediction is always sooner than a full ball rotation since and rotor is moving and the ball crosses 37 pockets earlier. It also means the system 2 times indicates prediction in about 0.7-1.5 ball rotations.
Since we clock the ball after every 2 rotations we can do it again after two predictions to get new prediction. Same as FFA multiple predictions ;D.
This time when we press the switch the system uses 4 ball rotations in calculating the result and again predicts 2 times. It can go like that all the way to the end of spin.
In a small test I was predicting spin in any ball rotation form 9-1 before then ball drops and predictions were within 2-3 pockets range. Predicting in a leveled mode and watching how the FF indicates same number no matter where we clocked rotor and the ball always makes me happy.
For example on a wheel where the ball decelerates slower or earlier predictions the player may ignore first 2 predictions and use third one to be more accurate since the third prediction uses 4 ball rotations for calculations.
In set up the system stores max 16 ball rotations if we clock for example 18 first 2 rotations we clocked will not be stored. It means the system can predict earliest in 15th rotations from the end of spin or with 4 rotations clocked in 13the. If in set we clocked 12 ball rotations and if when we predicting we clocked the ball earlier the system will not predict but it will wait for you to do more clocking, until the ball slows down to defined speed range.
Disadvantage in clocking double revolutions.
During set up process we clock each ball rotation the system can reasonably check for mistakes so it can format data about the ball properly.
When we play we clock two ball rotations as one, the system has no way to know if we made any mistake. For example if we clocked only one ball rotation the system may predict wrongly since it will think the clock time belongs to 2 ball rotations.
Main advantage of clocking double ball rotations is is less clocking and more time gap for my toe 8).
I found the reason why in casino I had problem getting zaps.
It wasn’t the zap adjustment main problem as I thought even it had problem and there.
Now when we do setting the system doesn’t automatically returns to menu but we stay in SET mode until we decide to go back to menu. Reason for that change is because we get feedback about clocked ball rotations so we can try to set the system few times. After we clock the ball rotations the system tells us the time of 5th ball rotation.
When we clock the ball system saves it to working registers and memory but it also saves number" SCOUNT" of how many rotations we clocked. After indicating ball time it returns for new set but also it resets SCOUNT to zero. If we return to systems menu and select the game it would work properly because SCOUNT was reset to “0”, it would work only if the game is restored from memory where SCOUNT data is. When I test at home I just use data from memory to test it with same parameters so it worked but in casino I have had problems.
Geez, Forester. You are working hard, do you not need sleep :’(
Yes, working hard, check background and tattoo. 8)
Yes, I understand it all, it needs time for testing and getting all things together. I hope it is a good investment for me =). I really appreciate the discount you made, thanks! But I think if the price was double I would buy it either way without any questions =). Nice covert design, amazing program, the best price! =)
It’s ok since they made 50 units for me so I do not have to work much on hardware. But the truth is I would like to charge some people 10k for each square cm of FFZ-T .
Yes I need to test it well since everything is new.
I am testing the program a lot always find something.
Recent potential hazard was when we set it clocking ball revolution the error was 10 zaps, but the zaps were same speed as indicators of ball time.
Someone may not spot the difference and believe he set the system. I think that was also one of problems I’ve had when first time testing it in casino.
I changed it so in case of an error the system gives rapid zaps so you can’t miss it.
Also Error4 when the based on ball speed the system can’t know will the ball make an extra revolution now is predicted but the prediction is followed by fast zaps, so its up to you to play or not or to click once more to get additional prediction.
Yesterday I spent so much time trying to find out why the system sometimes doesn’t set.
It should accept set if there is more then 7 rotations. But it didn’t.
Since the system uses rotations also to set the reference time for FFVB2 it needs ball rotations around 1s/r ball time so it might need more then 7 rotations to be set, and it depends on the wheel.
I would like to make video to show some things but I have no time for that.
Also unlocking FF had different code and smaller digits.
When locked it gives small zap every 16 sec.
If switch is pressed on release it counts whatever is preset for VB2 timer then zaps, and it repeats it once more. So if time is set to 2 sec it zaps after 2 sec and again after 2 sec.
VB2 time can set automatically form clocked ball rotations or it can be set to any value then if the system is locked it uses it.
Making an universal tool
After testing the program runs error free ;D
All settings work smoothly.
Last thing I changed was as someone suggest me by email,
To make menu accessible from timer mode so the time can be readjusted without switching power off.
FFVB2 can do it since it clocks rotor, same way as before.
If only a timer now we can do it on same way.
Also the timer gives same time 2 times.
For example if it’s set to 2 sec it will zap after 2 then gain after 2, it’s good to use 4 sec for rotor timing.
Bad news is my favorite tilted wheel is gone :(.
There is another on but its only small tilt more leveled.
So I played it as leveled. It was good until it lasted.
They didn’t let me place bets any more with NMB.
Can’t complain since prediction was 5-6 rev to go. Takes me 3 rotations to place bets.
I tried to see what will happen if I predict earlier.
But the system wouldn’t give me earlier predictions. If I clock earlier no prediction so I continue clocking until I get it which was about same time again.
I thought perhaps I didn’t clock enough rotations in set, even I believed I clocked definitely 8-9.
But later I realized that level wheel play is not unlimited as tilt. After selecting it the default is prediction is in 6th rotation. If want earlier prediction have to change it to earlier when selecting level play.
Didn’t play level for long so I forgot >:(. Bad luck. I would like to see how earlier predicting would be .
Could predict during same spin for example 9,th 7th, 5th rotation and compare results. When I did tests at home even earlier predictions looked reasonable.
Next I did experimenting with tilt and FFvb2. Since the wheel didn’t have much tilt it didn’t go well. I actually lost ½ of my winnings form leveled play. It wasn’t a bad play I would say it was more bad luck. Too many missed by one pocket even 3-4 right in middle of sector but I didn’t cover . Downfall was with a series of to many spinners. Interesting none of them stopped at played sector.
Anyway that’s play; my objective was to test the system for any possible bugs in the program and I couldn’t find any. So the system will be available soon.
Nice work, Forester. Even a bad day at the casino doesn’t sound like a complete
Not much played only $ 30-40 per spin. The table was $2.5
Objective was to try it all to see if they system will have any problems.
I know that calculation is ok I test it under many conditions at home.
“Also i read in one of your posts that you recently tried level wheel prediction with some success. Was this using IQe6?”
Yes but with a new program, it’s about same as R5A.
Well results did look ok but sample is not large enough.
Playing let’s say 40 spins profiting 250 units may look ok but the way I played it can mean just 2 extra hits on number where I placed 4 chips. If that 2 hits happened on number with smaller bet it might not be as that.
I more refer to my observation during the play.
How well I can get prediction to match where the ball drops.
On leveled wheel it is not so simple as tilt.
On tilted wheel system predicts 0 when ball hits DD you expect 0 to be there or you missed.
On leveled wheel you can’t have same, it is more as two groups some hits will be at zero some 12-15 pockets different. Its because there is a so small difference in ball speed in between 2 diamonds. But we also expect when ball hits diamond high to fly more and even bounce more if it didn’t hit directly pocket divider.
Or alternatively pass that diamond and hit next one lower where it will go towards the rotor more vertically.
Now the ball is 12-15 pockets from precious diamond but if it doesn’t bounce results will overlap .
If you look blue line 2 pick points.
If we predict always perfectly it wouldn’t be so bad but addition problem is that and prediction is not so perfect so it makes it harder. Real good observation is needed.
Hello, Forester
I have a quick question if you can find the time to share your thoughts, its abit off topic
but does concern the FF and, Bob Gordons DVD spins. I also believe it may help less
knowledgable players like myself:-
Using the FF on, Bobs level wheel spins though I believe there would be advantage the
results can be a little inconsistant which I read else where would be because the wheel
still has a strong tilt though called “level”. Ok all good and helps explain better results
got from online spins (not betting, didn’t have time to bet so just testing) and on a real
wheel. So would you say, Bob Gordons wheel is more suitable for IQE6 or tilt? If we
seen this kind of wheel in a casino which program do you think is more suitable or would
you perhaps percieve the wheel as too border line to play, not quite good enough for tilt2
or IQE6 for example and scout for better?
Hi Devilish
best to seek out wheels that display a DD ;; most casino will have these wheels at some point in the day
BG dvd for level whel can be tricky early on in the spin as he spins ball very badly ,so ball need a good few spins to settle down
try testing at about 15 minutes into the video where he drops the ball,also try setting the system when the ball strikes the 2 oclock deflector weekly (usually at bottom of deflecter)
hope that helped you
Secman :-*
Very helpful indeed, Secman. Thank you for your input
my dvd’s didnt work. i thik they got magnetically interferred with border xray…can someone tell me how to attatch the battery to the ffz-T?
and a brief descriptoon on how to work it?
or if you can forward a link to me?