Wrongly represented but interesting point.
Before any answer we need to understand what the advantage play is.
It’s obviously a play where we have advantage, it is our choice where and when we want to play.
The graph has small mistake.
The blue line is where the rotor speed is in-between 5-6 seconds per rotation.
But red line has written 2-5 sec/r where it should be when the rotor is about 2.5 sec per rotation.
5.5 sec rotor and 2.5 rotor speed is difference as in between earth and sky.
If someone can’t spot such difference he should never play roulette.
In this particular case we do have scatter change but it doesn’t have to be.
This scatter was taken on Huxley tilted wheel and with particular ball type.
You were not here long enough but years back I was the first one who brought this issue to public. First time I talked about it with Bob Gordon and Barnett when we had some discussions. Did you ever see at any other place any graph or data about deviation of ball jumps? No you did not. But you probably did see some smart heads trying to be smart.
If I was the one who brought it up then obviously there is and reason why FF is designed the way it is designed.
Look on the graph pick point A, it is strong and solid,
With highly increased rotor speed it decreases I value but more importantly it shifts and becomes point B.
When on particular parameters presets, the rotor is 2.5 sec we can see that point B is not high enough to be worth playing. But when looking thought deviation on rotor speed on 6,5,4,3 sec, it is worth playing.
For that all we need to see how much the point A shifts.
From 6 sec rotor to 2.5 sec rotor it shifts about 4 pockets. (Point A to point B)
From 6 sec rotor to 3.5 it will shift about 3 pockets and that is what the FF will adjust.
Any deviation of that can be easily adjusted with the FF system.
For example to make for rotor from 6 to 3 sec shift by 1,2,3,4…10 amounts of pockets.
Now is coming a hard part.
At 2.5 sec rotor we have pick point C which is worth playing.
Yes we do, but that can’t be linearly adjusted it is a big jump and it happens in this particular scenario.
If you played 5 sec rotor and suddenly dealer spins 2 sec rotor only if you are an idiot you would play serious money on that. No matter which kind of prediction you use. So do not play, it is not advantage play and I will explain why.
You may take 1000 spins as I did to get similar graph. And you may say, aha now is the time to play 14 pockets less from my previous play (based on 1000 spins graph).
But who is telling you that conditions on the wheel are still the same as when you were taking 1000 spins to make the graph. Maybe the ball is different, maybe there is more dust on the wheel, more oil…etc. So it is not sure.
It is only beginning of your trouble.
2 or 2.5 sec rotor is fast, it creates air turbulence, causes significant change of air pressure around the ball, and effects ball traveling time. What is the effect we do not know, it depends on airflow, on ball weight, diameter…etc. Too many unknown variables to be able to calculate anything (if you are honest).
But if we have stable prediction as the FF will provide then we can easy see what the change is. We do not need to know how the change is created, all we need is to notice the change.
If you play VB which in any way relates to rotor speed you are already screwed, on top of that you have optical illusion because changed rotor speed in opposite direction of ball makes look everything differently. With FF we do not have such problem but we have to observe if there is any change in ball drop point to rotor.
As long as we have it under control we can play.
Lets look now different scenario.
Let’s say 3.5 sec rotor the ball scatter makes equal points B and C.
(We took about 2000 spins and defined ball scatter for different rotor speeds.)
We want to make computer to toggle it and adjust automatically.
So at 3.7s rotor the computer goes for point B and at 3.2s rotor it goes for point C.
What would we see on the wheel?
Do we know what to expect?
Do we know if we have advantage?
If previously we played 5.5 sec rotor and now rotor is around 3.5 sec. if computer is made that way we would be lost. We wouldn’t be able to know if there is any difference in ball traveling time. The simplest question is what would be point of playing?
We are advantage players we play when we know that we have advantage.
If we have stable prediction without computer screwing us up, we at least can see if we have advantage or not. It is up to us now will we play point B or point C.
If someone wants program to deviate in predictions with any jumps of pockets let me know, it is only 5 min job for me. And linear change you can adjust by yourself if you follow instructions. But in many occasions it would be a suicide.
Somewhere Kelly wrote?
"Im not into the technicalitys of foresters computer, but i dont understand why a device can
t store scatter and wheel speed data and use it combined? "
Obviously he is not in to technicalities but not in common since as well.
No wonder every times he argues with me he runs away then goes around bragging how i was wrong.
No computer stores data of rotor speed, it is something that is measured during the play.
But we can assign for every rotor speed particular ball jump. So the computer would never need scatter graph but the graph of scatter deviation based rotor speed changes.
As I explained earlier we would need thousands of spins to get it.
Let’s say 500 spins to get ball scatter for 2 sec rotor then another 500 spins to get most common ball jump for 3 sec rotor and so on. It is a mission impossible.
It is important to understand here that such graphs would have to be taken independently.
So we would need to measure rotor speed, and take data for each rotor speed then group them.
(I better explain it since people without much understanding can easy get manipulated by well known manipulators on the net. )
Some people sell mobile phone or PDA roulette computer where they build graphs, but graphs they build are useless.
It is graph based on PREDITED number and FINAL outcome.
From such graph we really can’t make any adjustments. (Anyway the graph is missing rotor speed)
Even if the computer builds 20 graphs for one single wheel, each graph 500 spins, for different rotor speeds we would still have problem getting data we need, because result is combination of imperfections in prediction combined with randomness of ball jumps.
(we need data how much the ball jump)
We would play and have no clued what to do. The ball can get some oil/dust and for such graphs to respond to such change we would need thousand off spins to notice that we are not playing with an advantage.
Playing roulette with advantage is dynamic game; we need to be able to play it fast and to respond fast if we want to keep advantage. For that we need somethig stable as the FF is.
Red graph is analyzed 100 spins from Stefano’s DVD that he supplies with his computer.
After I made analyses which showing embarrassing results, of course he doesn’t supplies it any more.
It represents his predictions vs. ball hits on rotor.
There is nothing in there except RANDOM results.
(notice that the line deviates around 2.7 which is expected if we play without advantage and that all together is below green line. The green line is limit which we need to pass to start getting advantage.
Lately he starts explaining it is because his computer knows how the bill will jump based on rotor speed.
Well for your information all spins are with close to same rotor speed about 5-6 sec. per rotation. :o
I am not going to compete with scam empty promises or stupidities people write on the net to increase system sales. I leave that to scammers.
So Mr. Viper if you want any kind of adjustment, linear, unexpected jumps, logarithmic, exponential. Give me the data sad you will have it. :-*
So the average offset from the strike number is USSELES if the rotor speed in that spin is deferent.
Not really, but you shouldn’t play so fast rotor, leave that for more experienced players