A bit more about VB2 roulette prediction


thanks Forester :slight_smile: i will watch it in detail :slight_smile:

Hi Forester! Ive seen the video and i believe i understood very well the concept. Im very enthusiastic about using the FFZ metronome that you are going to send me . BTW, when can you ship it ?


Sorry, i thought to send it next day but as you may notice at forum there was still some issues with the Acrobat 6 and I preferred to fix it. Ill send it at start of following week.

By the way after that I’ll be away for 5 weeks.

ok. It has the metronome like the other versions right? it works the same way has previous versions?
Acrobat 5 i believe it was menu 6

Sure, everything else is the same. The timer is @ menu 5.

perfect :slight_smile:

About the menu 5 of acrobat 5 i confess i have some dificulties to select the ms i want to play with.
After selecting menu 5 i know that the intervals are from 100ms . If i click 12 times it should be 1.2 secs but sometimes it goes again to zero and i have dificulties to select the ms i want unless i switch off and on the device ( i tried with the ffv i have). Do you have any sugestion to use this menu in a more accurate way ?
Im sorry to disturb you with all thiese questions but its important for me


Not sure what it means, but i assume it sets the timer to some other value.

If you click more than 5 times in short time it counts as you were setting the timer.

If I choose menu 5 what do I need to do step by step to select the time I want ?

just click fast 12 times for 1.2s or 20x for 2s.

ok :slight_smile: i will try tomorrow again and let you know .
Thanks again Miro :slight_smile:

Hi Miro
Ive tried the timer in my old FFZ and it works very well. the problem is that i cant feel the zapps …it was used a lot of times with cream and i believe that the cream affected the power of the zapps…evan going to menu 2 and waiting to the submenu 7 in order to adjust is too week :frowning: i tryed sony batteries ( the best ones) and the result is the same.
The purpoce of using the ffz is only because of the timer. its much more effective than the watch i carry.
Have you got any device with zapps that has only the timer?
If not , can i buy 10 extra buttons and you ship it toguether with the one you are going to send me ?
Im afraid that using it with the foot i will damage the small plastic terminal like another i have here and i could not find anywere that small piece of plastic ( white one that connects the button wire to the device)

if you can send me more buttons i could use the plastic of the wires and replace it with my button
How much is the price for 10 extra buttons with the wire ?

I wait for your reply


if you want i can buy another ffz ( in case of having an ammount of buttons per device )
For me its ok also

Not really, it is a matter of program, not the hardware. Maybe one day can look old ffz’s and modify the program just for that.

Not sure what is for you button

Maybe a switch, or switch with cable and plug on the end.

Is your ff as this or an older one that has 2 pin holes as a socket?

I just realised I am out of switches but that is not a problem.
If you want them you can order them at


What bothers me I am out of that wire I use to connect switches, and I can’t find a new one so flexible and small.

When the rotor moves very slow ( 6-8-10 secs per rotation) and using VB2 whats the average time setting you to use?

Somehow I misunderstood the question believing 6,8,10 are the pockets per seconds speed.
Since I prepared the answer, why not to add it here, later on, I’ll explain what happens when the rotor is 6,8,10s.

t =1000 / (Tr * ACC)

VB2 doesn’t like rotor changes. It’s because the reference time is selected to match the balls acc and rotor speed.
On the picture, we can see in column D 6,8 and 10p/s values, which in column F areas 6.2, 4.6 and 3.7s rotor time per rotation.

Based on VB2 basic equation and say acc 180 in column M, we have reference times 0.9,1.2 and 1.5s.
The equation is never 100% accurate because we don’t know on each wheel differences in between rotations, but this can give us an idea of what would happen if the rotor speed changes.

If for example at the start you adjusted to the time of 4.6s rotor VB2 reference time 1.2s and after some time the rotor speed changes to 3.7s and you keep the same time.
If you guess when to start the VB2 time within 3s it would mean that based on when you start your results would deviate as;

In 3s time 8p/s rotor makes 24 pockets. 1.2s VB2 time compensates for that.
But if the rotor is 10p/s it would be in 3s time 30 pockets. Which are six pockets mistake?
Since you always try to guess particular ball rotation sometimes it will be 1.5s later, sometimes 1.5s earlier it means the mistake is + or - (6/2=3) pockets. In other words, the mistake is 10-8=2 pockets per second difference of starting the reference time. It is not ideal, but it is better than 10 pockets mistake without VB2.

Ideally, for 10p/s rotor, we would need to change the time to 1.5s. The column n shows the time difference from our start time od 1.2s it is + 0.3s.
If we change the time to 1.5, we would be better adjusted to the starting point of reference time, but in column O we have 11.2. It is about how many pockets the ball will travel in that 0.3s. Column P shows how many pockets will rotor make until the end of spin if the remaining time is ~12s. It has 120-94=24 pockets. So the time increase of 0.3s would not compensate it fully. Because we often use reference time as a reference to clock the rotor changing the time changes everything. Basically, with new time, it is best to do everything from the start.

The proper answer to the question

I always say the best is to apply the time 2 times on the same spin and to compare results.
But based on the calculation it would be as on the picture in the column M.
We can see that now we have only 0.9 pocket difference in between 8s and 10s rotor so previously explained mistake is reduced. Here it may be useful to notice that even with traditional VB if we miss 1 rotation, we wouldn’t be wrong by much since on 10s rotor the rotor moves by 3.7 pockets/s. If guessing 1s rotation and miss it by one earlier, or later we would be about plus or minus 4 pockets wrong.

I only guessed and used the acc value of 180, because of the question related to the Huxley wheel.
Here in column M are the times for slow rotors based on acc of 140ms.

And here for acc 120 which would be a wheel where the ball travels longer and accelrates slower.

Hi Miro!
Thanks so much for the reply. Its very clarifying. Today they changed all the weels in the casino …they have 3/4 drop points but some create patterns ( repetitions between the drop points and the jumps ) and these are the moments we can get advantage.
Ive won some money ( not too much ) and went to downstairs roulettes in order to try VB2 mentaly adjusting a ref time ( counting 1,2,3…) and using that same ref time to compare to the drop point and try to explore some patterns when they started to form . Evan not using the timmer Its much easier to track whats goin on and follow the game. Roulette is more in my opinion to track whats going on and use the patterns that are being formed ( when they form) than to count on dominant diomonds that in several cases can be 2,3,4 on one side and 2 or 3 on another.
What do you think about the performance of VB2 with semi tilted weels with these kind of drop points?

i dont wanna to interrump if you want dont read. is not the same ball falling of balltrack at maybe 8 hours and strike dd6 , and ball falling on other place making other things and striking dd6. is not the same . and all of that makes patterns. tilted have drops when it is not the time and when is the time because is tilted. semitilted drop will move and makes other patterns . equal you ask forester .


Yes, but in such case, VB2 disadvantage on a tilted wheel helps.

One of the disadvantages is that you may start ref time when the ball is 900ms or 960, it may be the same amount of ball rotations until the ball drops but VB2 will indicate it differently and 960 predict shortly which most likely happens on a different D hit.

@Hugo_Pi only you can know if you try.

Thanks Nicoramone , Its true…it creates other patterns …Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: