There could be a few scenarios here such as:
• Single dominant diamond,
• Only two dominant diamonds,
• Two dominant diamonds,
• Three dominant diamonds.
I’ll explain for each situation how roulette player can gain an advantage and win but the first brief description of roulette visual prediction methods.
How it is possible to visually predict a roulette wheel
In the post, you can find information from primary simple dealer’s signature to various ballistic visual prediction methods.
Traditional roulette visual prediction explains how to identify a particular ball rotation during the spin. After that it’s easy. Dominant ball drop point provides information where the ball will drop. Only what’s left for the player is to define how the rotor will move for the remaining time of the spin until the ball hits the DD. Knowing it the player will also know at which number the ball will drop.
If you need a more detailed explanation for example how to identify particular ball rotation during roulette spin, I would recommend Laurance Scotts material.
• Professional Roulette Prediction: Volume 1 — Basic Methods
• Professional Roulette Prediction: Volume 2 — Advanced Methods with Roulette Analyzer™
In the Volume one, Scott explains cross patterns, while in Volume 2 he explains visual and acoustic as a method to identify particular ball revolution. Of course, his package includes much more than just a simple explanation.
Another interesting method to identify a particular ball rotation and the best moment during the spin, when is the smallest chance for mistakes I’ve found in material from Such method was used for years by top VB roulette players.
In VB2 forums section, I explained similar method using mobile phone vibrating timer.
Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond.
missing roulette image
On the right-hand side of the picture an example for such wheel is highlighted in red. Most of the ball hits are at the top diamond, there are few hits on the other diamonds, but from a perspective of an advantage player, for now, that can be ignored. What happens if the ball doesn’t hit main dominant diamond (DD) I’ll explain on a different example where such diamonds are getting more hits.
Tilted roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond provides the highest and easiest chances for an advantage player. You already learned how dominant diamond is getting grouped wider range of different ball speeds then of course if there is only one diamond getting most of the ball hits the ball speed range is the widest making it easiest for an advantage player to predict it.
Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond can very successfully be predicted almost with all advantage player methods.
How roulette visual ballistic player would predict it?
VB player will, for example, identify 6th rotation to the end of the spin, at that moment read number under the diamond. Knowing there is remaining five ball rotations until the ball drops. They can convert five remaining ball rotations to time, for example, it could be 8 seconds. If the rotor is moving 4 seconds per rotation, then they know that in remaining 8 seconds the rotor will make two full rotations and at the moment when the ball drops there will be the same number they noticed just after the 6th ball rotation.
Visual players don’t have to identify 6th ball rotation every time, sometimes they can make a mistake but since the payout is 1:36 they will be ok if they do it correctly most of the time.
How a roulette computer player would predict it?
Since this is the most comfortable condition, many different approaches would do the job.
Roulette wheel with a single dominant diamond; group’s full range of ball speeds to hit at a single diamond. For example, the ball speed may be even 200 ms different, travel the same amount of rotations and still hit the same diamond. Because of so wide 200ms range, it is relatively easy to predict such wheel with a roulette computer even, some well programmed mobile phones or PDA’s can reasonably predict it. (Such devices may make just in time measurements mistakes as 20 ms but because the ball speed range is much larger as 100-200 ms; 60-80% of spins still may be predicted well. This doesn’t include additional possible errors on the wheel or human clocking but purely errors created by the inaccuracy of time measurement)
Method 1
The simplest way would be to program the computer in this way.
Set the time frame for example 1200-1400 ms to identify particular moment during the spin.
Set the remaining time from the moment until the ball drops, for example to 8 seconds.
During the spin, the player first clocks the rotor to get time how long it takes the rotor to make a full rotation. Then the player starts clocking the ball, each time when it makes a full rotation. The computer measures the time of ball rotations. For example, first ball rotation may be 800ms, then 920ms, 1100ms, 1300.
When 1300 ms ball rotation is clocked the computer identifies it within particular speed range (1200-1400 ms), it uses 8 seconds remaining time and rotor time to calculate how much the rotor will move until the ball drops at the dominant diamond.
Since this is a basic method, this approach may only produce a bit more stability comparing it to the visual ballistic player. A roulette computer doesn’t get tired, but a VB player still keeps the greatest flexibility.
Prediction always at the same moment during the spin, it can be suspicious. If the dealer starts calling a bit earlier no more bets the player can’t have earlier prediction since his time of prediction is defined by time frame he pre-set.
Same as the player can’t predict earlier he can’t predict later. For example, the dealer may start spinning short spins, after clocking rotor the ball speed may be already slower then defined in his time frame.
The player has to clock to many ball revolutions to get to the ball speed which computer can handle.
The player never know what to set for the time, he may set 1200-1400 trying to get 6th ball rotation, but the 6th ball rotation may be from 1260 to 1380.
Even amount of remaining ball rotations until the ball drops may be the same, it doesn’t necessary means that the ball will complete it at the same time. Since a wide range of different ball speeds is grouped to hit at a single dominant diamond, different ball speeds take different times to complete remaining rotations. The difference in time on 5-6 remaining rotations cam reach up to one second which on a rotor spinning two seconds per rotation would create 18 pockets error.
Method 1 approach; you can see on videos published by Stefano from genuine winner site.
Method 2
A better way of prediction would be with programs as Michael Barnett from has created.
It is similar to the previously explained process, but also Michae,l has a special way how to determinate where and how wide the time frame for prediction should be.
Pros and cons are the same except point 3 because the time frame can be precisely adjusted.
In a similar way and roulette program Viper from for the FFA works. The Viper has some additional important options for more realistic casino conditions.
This method can very accurately predict a single or only two dominant diamond wheels.
Prediction always at the same moment. If the dealer starts calling a bit earlier no more bets the player can’t have earlier prediction since his time of prediction is defined by time frame he pre-set. Also constantly predicting in the same moment during the spin is not very covert.
The player has to clock to many ball revolutions to get to the ball speed which computer can handle.
Even amount of remaining ball rotations until the ball drops may be the same, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ball will complete it in the same time. Since a wide range of different ball speeds is grouped to hit at a single dominant diamond, different ball speeds take different times to complete remaining rotations. The difference in time on 5-6 remaining rotations cam reach up to one second which with a rotor spinning two seconds per rotation would create 18 pockets error.
It may require many spins to set. For example 10 for each ball direction.
Method 3
Unlimited roulette computer program.
A few years ago we came to an idea to try to predict roulette spins but in any ball rotation.
Myrulet VB2 was created which compared to traditional roulette visual prediction is the only one method capable predicting in literally any ball rotations.
In parallel line with it, we managed to create and Unlimited program for FF roulette computers capable of predicting at any moment during the roulette spin. This was possible to achieve with good accuracy only because FF roulette computers have the most accurate hardware for time measurements. For the same reason, the FF computers are the only one capable of predicting at any time and multiple times during a single spin. It allows the players to actually test the quality of predictions at any desired moment during the spin, to get as many predictions as they like with any amount of ball rotation clocked.
There is a lot of rubbish selling on the internet under the name of a roulette computer. As usual, it is just a Java application for mobile phones, which by the look or it’s performance is not a match for covert very small and accurate professionally made roulette computers. Of course, they trying to hide stuff like this; knowing their product will struggle to predict the same spin even at same moment during the spin but the FF roulette computers can do more, and we are not afraid to show it and to let the users have it.
This method can accurately predict a single or only two dominant diamond wheels.
It provides to the player flexibility to predict at any moment during the spin, therefore, calling earlier no more bets wouldn’t affect the player. Without any adjustment, they can simply start predicting earlier.
The unlimited system doesn’t require many ball rotations to be clocked. When players using Unlimited system (FFZ/V) they clocks every second ball rotation, it gives them much time in between to look around, so they don’t appear stare on the wheel.
More time in between clicks is good since the player can better prepare for next click for example if they are clocking very short, early ball rotations during the spin. It is also valuable if foot clocking is used.
Need more accuracy? It’s not a problem clock additional two ball rotations, and without any previous settings, the computer predicts again this time with a time of four ball rotations used.
Possible very early reasonably accurate predictions.
The Unlimited is very easy to set. While Method 2 may require many spins to set appropriately, the Unlimited can be set with a single spin, and if there is a change on the wheel, it can easily be readjusted.
On the video, you can see ow Unlimited multiple predictions at any time during the spin are predicted with FFA roulette computer.
- It may not be accurate as explained Method 2 since the system can predict at any moment during the spin which of course is like shutting a target at 50 m range or 500 meters. Another reason; the set is not so accurate as with Method 2, allowing the slightly higher amount of spins to be mispredicted.
Method 4
The Acrobat
Anything that any of previously explained methods can do the Acrobat can do better. You can read about the Acrobat here;
Next, only two dominant diamonds.