Well there are people who know me and people who don’t, I’m not a millionaire, but I know about deflections and ballistics, I played in teams and not anymore. The roulettes are all different and you have to know what to look for. I studied rrs for almost 5 years in manual, automatic and online roulettes. I have an idea of what I’m talking about but you can play alone in teams and it requires a lot of study. There are details that people don’t see or don’t know why that happens, DeepL Translate - El mejor traductor del mundo
Hi, i dont know why this post popped up on my notification. However, i get that you have been playing roulette for years and not been making big money. I also learned that you have some knowledge on roulette but i guess not enough to make big money. Have you ever thought of knowledge is not the only key but willing to travel? There are people who make millions on blackjack and the key is not by gaining new knowledge but continuously trying and never give up on finding new casinos and are willing to travel. It also is crucial to have a working stragtegy that works over and over again and stop trying so hard to beat a wheel that is hard. I get that in some countries that have more knowledge on wheels and are harder to beat but i also know that some countries just aren’t. I personally would not target hard wheels until easy wheels run out. By then, i would have quit roulette.
Lo leo recien , vos has sacado 80% de ventaja ? Yo si
60% for 7 numbers。
Could have been 80% for 3 numbers but no time to use RC