Theoretical idea about charting ball jumps

This is one way i will try to collect data this weekend and idea comes from the pro Kelly who was active member in this forum in the past. We talk about several deflectors hitting and scatter overlaps and i pop the question how to make such chart visual.
Then he sad he would post such chart as he had solution, but never did.

So assume you have three vertical deflector hitting and you want a deeper understanding what happens when different ball jumps overlap or end up in same area from different deflector hits.
Important is that first deflector donate ball jumps into same high probability area.
The goal is same to find peaks and bias patterns to emerge.

So this is how i think about solution of plotter such chart.
Assume 12 a clock 3 o’clock 6 a clock hit - a dominant drop zone with three defectors hitting.
Then ball jumps from 12 o’clock will donate hits into 3 a clock area and 6 a clock area
Ball jumps from 3 o’clock will donate hits into 6 o’clock area and beyond.
And so on.

Now ball impact on 12 a clock will be hard and ball impact on 3 a clock will be medium and ball impact on 6 o’clock will be weak. And scatter patterns will be Large, Medium, Small
All this in theory and general speaking physics.

Now there is around 10 pockets between two vertical deflectors.
So hits from 12 a clock has the sign X
Hits from 3 a clock has the sign Y
Hits from 6 a clock has the sign Z

3 X
12 X
14 XY
17 Y
21 Z
23 Z

So her you would use 12 a clock as your reference deflector when clocking ball speed and making visual ballistic read.
So distance would be same from A to B

Other part you just add to offset.
What we can learn from such chart is how ball jumps overlap into each others areas and create scatter patterns.

Ok that we all do, problem is when we think that hit will be to 3 DD but real hit is to 12 D before or 6D after or even 12 D after. We can collect data how ball jumps from which diamond - that is not hard, but when we miss dd - we miss - all…
because of such is better to look simply final point and hiting diamond in second place…
Here is only not clear which proportion of ball mowing on ball track/scatering is best…all meanings must be positive ok , most…

Can be, but where is the data?

Acrobat 5 collects predicted diamond, diamond drop, rotor speed and jump and I am lazy to add it, since I don’t see any data from anyone I can only assume everybody is lazy.

I can say about mineself - for me is very hard in play also collect jump data. Even i think that it must be hard for everybody. Because of that i save , before play, but that is other - that is data together with ball way on baltrack. But even that i not save for future so not do catalogues …
With acrobat tryed use several times, but not liked and from that time not use at all…


I did it few times, it is interesting.

It looks as jumps with rotor 4-6 are better then slower rotor, but again I know about 3s is very wide distribution.

I think every wheel is different and even the same wheel in different moments can give different results.
I more observe than collect. And noticed few moments - usually when is wet ( something about rainy, but not so much ) scatering is more easy to predict. Are few other, but they maybe are very personal ,
So i simply notice data and day and where i played and result. If result is positive usually jumps i predicted good…

So you collect ball jump for different diamond? And look for patterns. I think is good idea. Ball jump would be easier to identify if we could find at what point the ball will hit the vertical diamond. Not sure if this would be possible with Acrobat

Useless information because we can’t predict with such accuracy. But we can get some relationship to ball speed.

In all semi - random events - first meaning have as possible stable starting coordinate , which we can know.

All charts with jumps data - are worthless if are no such starting point.

When you take as starting point - where ball will hit rotor or Dd that is really useless because not know where that point will be next time…

Otter this is theoretical speaking about physics and i make some assumptions based upon visual ballistics.

You should not randomly pick a vertical deflector as your main reference spot - maybe you can with RC as it might calculate and measuring things different.

But with this example ball is cw and rotor acw and does three vertical deflectors should hit eight, nine times out of ten.
To have a decent dominant drop zone.

Let me take you on a short journey how i see things - you might not agree and think different.

Lets say 9 a clock 12 a clock 3 a clock hitting
Then 9 a clock is your main reference deflector.

Following reason make it the main focus pin.
Vertical deflector at 6 a clock is sleeping and are cold and not hitting more then once or twice every ten trails.

This means that the first vertical deflector hit would be 9 a clock and does hits would donate ball jumps into same high probability area as 12 a clock and 3 a clock.
And if the ball miss 9 a clock deflector it will maybe hit 12 a clock deflector and again we have a situation where one vertical deflector will donate ball jumps into next vertical deflectors area.
And so on.

So theory using sign like XYZ you can get a visual if you get a peak or bias pattern to emerge from deflector hits.
Assume you get a peak and bias pattern to emerge from 12 a clock and 3 a clock because ball impact is medium and weak and scatter patterns are medium and small.
Then maybe some % of hits will also be donated from 9 a clock with some long bounce from ball.

This is how i assume overlaps emerge and create peaks and bias patterns when collecting data based upon this principal.
And is not just me saying this - you get same idea from John/Jafco and Masters’Roulette.

Reason i have not taking or making scatter profile is that i chart peaks and bias patterns to emerge using distance from visual read with my own charting method.

Pen and papper and write down rotor speed, deflector, number below deflector, number where ball stop.
Then when we get home we categorize same rotor speed and plotter chart using XYZ

Then we should get deeper understanding what does and what does not create a scatter overlap.
What happens from each and every deflectors ball jumps and how do they create hits into same high probability area - overlap - and peaks and bias patterns emerge.


But you still must have some starting point for all - One for all three.
Without it you cant do nothing.

These two is with whom i many talked, but they are not players practic. They all what they writed maybe never tryed in real casinos…

Jafco not play maybe 20 years , Master not play 3 years…played they at all - nobody know…nobody them saw how they play and how they win…

All what we know about them - are from what they write and say.

So theory is one - here all is nice , but practic is other - that all you must not foregeth.
For example - ABCDE created wonderful theory, but what is from it, if we cant apply it in real condittions…

This part i don’t understand - can you explain more in detail.
For example visual read would be starting point where you estimate ball and have similar distance towards the first vertical deflector with ball cw and rotor acw - same as having distance from A to B where B donate ball jumps into the same area as the other deflector after the first one.

But you talk about starting point with other reason i don’t understand.

You would for example note different rotor speeds for each variations of deflector hits and would get different charts for each speed - so if ball jumps drift or shift or change during does you will see the peak and bias pattern or overlaps change.


Look :

You mark as some starting point zero from which are marked all distances. Ok on chart all looks nice , but in reality to use data - you must know where that zero is, if no all your data fly in the air and i not imagine how you can use it.
You say if ball hited to 3DD mark z if to 12 DD mark x and so on . Ok such is possible, but how to use data ?
If are three diamonds and we want use data which we collected we must know where will be hit . If with hit we will be right 40% and 60% not right any data will help us , or say that data will be useless.

So we must have starting point which is main in game but you not talk nothing about it and how you will be right with selecting that starting point.

Now even not pay to that attention - I say that must be one starting point for all diamonds - that is because say you predict ball will hit to 12 Dd and he hit here is not same as if predicted to 9DD and hit to 12 DD . So are many different posibilities - how you operate with them all ?

That are practical questions and practical abilities - who not play not use such - that not have such questtions , but i that do every day and see that you simply skip what is main.

And because of that all what you wrote is like car without wheels, or without engine…

This is not solution and is theory and theory is something else then real world.
I know you play for a living and i am not playing for a living.
So i might learn something if you stop talking riddle and contribute.

Why you never see any one talking about scatter overlaps and how they work in reality.
To sensetiv and complex or everyone want to stay secret, that is my opinion or no one master such solution.

You say things that also for me are car without wheels, you once mention it does not matter what vertical deflector hit and i can not understand such statment.
If you pick any vertical deflector being your reference deflector you make everything strange as i understand physics.

So you say RC calculate deflector hits and scatter patterns different.
Can you show me a topic by someone where they explain such method or solution using RC.

For me it sound you are have car but don’t explain where the wheels are.


Something similar - I not like have monologues how i play. I can discuss how is better to play, but must be discussion where i also have chance get something

If to be right - i never saw , that somebody will say something what will open eyes for me.
Are many things what for other is Wauuu, but if to think logical - that is nothing special.

The same is with theese overlaps. All know that if ball make distance till hit by half or 3/4 rotations longer - we have chances see the same result.
The same is with scatering if next diamond gives shorter scatering, or before gives longer - we again have chance to have the same result. All that all know, that is not new for any thinking player…
Usually i that name as compensations…Are more compensations which we can use - these i say are simply like bonus :slight_smile:

Ok i say slight different - because we not know - better pay less attenttion to that. We had very long arguings with Forester , so i not want continue this thema - if for you important - collect , mark do all what you want…

For me are no reference deflectors, only if all hits go to one …

Hmm calculate program not RC :slight_smile: … Naturally different - program calculate acordingly programed algorythm. Acrobat not calculate - it simply take meanings from database which enter player some time before . The same or similar must do any other program if have such algorythm…

How to collect scatering ? Here you must ask Forester - I not know exact how operate acrobat with data. I imagine how that must be, but if is in reality i not know…

Really to play i look slight different than others - most matched to how i look to play - ABCDE, but…he was too stubborn…

Why others look to all different than me - always was questtion and only logical answer which i found is - that other simply not play at all. They maybe do some tests at home, maybe something calculate , but not risk with his money in such level in which i do…

And if risk, so do that not acordingly some laws of play like me , but again play something like martingale… so nothing what is related with balistic.

Even if play with RC - they more use it like RNG for predictions that not to think what to bet. Here for them all depends on how they made sample and sometimes sample itself can win :slight_smile: .
But that is not really wining way…

Ball jumps about the drop of the ball from ball track in watch hours if it changes does change all other. Time from the drop of ball track has a time. When hours changes to before or after orbits, changes and ball are different in all words. That influences the ball jump. You can not make a general ball jump because the conditions are different. you can make a charting to control the variables only..