Testing Light VB

There is an old visual ballistic method that works with today’s wheels.
I describe the method in short terms so you who know can follow.
When the ball is faster and slower than metronome time you get a ball cross over.
From this moment - for example - you get timings until drop.


And if we set the metronome to 0.7 sec or even 0.5 sec we get much longer timings.
And we will be way before NMB.
Option to check where the NORM is for NMB and adjust timings to get a window to place bets.

The point is that we don’t measure the rotor speed.
So the ball timings is constant spin by spin.

So we look for rotor movements patterns to emerge.
Rather than looking at distances from release (A) to drop (B) …

The question is how to deal with the vertical deflectors and with distance and scatter overlaps.
I have some time killing at the casino, so i considering exploring this idea.

Let’s say 9, 12 and 3 a clock where the ball is CW.
Then 9 is the first, 12 the second and 3 a clock last (weakest spot)
Where 9 dontate towards 12 and 3 a clock and 12 doanate towards 3 a clock.

I think is worth testing and collect some data.

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I not good understand what author want to say, but some moments are very important :

First moment is why ball timings are constant ?
And main - where is point not measure rotor speed, when this is first main thing in all VB and without that nothing other is interesting…
We can - not measure ball speed, simply can visually detect it say by rythm, on many wheels that can be enough, but we will do nothing if we will not know wheel speed and exact.

And then sentence :

About which rotor movements patterns is talk - when we not measure the rotor speed ?

Interesting - who created such text :slight_smile: ?

Interesting . Pls keep me updated

I would ask same as BB.

Hm if you Re using a metronome already then it sounds inferior to using the FF no ?
Are you attempting this on a level wheel ? Otherwise the cross over already gives you a “knee point” on how many revolutions to go and then depending where the ball is as well as the final drop diamond and number you should be able to make predictions right ?
However disregarding wheel speeds also means you play any wheel speed, which makes it much harder to create a 3Sd+ Betting result the way I understand it?

I made a mistake - of course, we will clock the rotor
It was a brain fart

The following is based on my narrow test and experience.

I had email contact with Laurance Scott in the past and once I asked him about his sequence method.
That has been used in the past in Vegas if I comprehend him correct.
He did not mention the details in volume 1 so i pop the question.

It is similar to wheel mapping using ball/rotor patterns.
Where you take the release number and on the first lap you take a second reference number and one more for the second lap.
Here you get the pocket distance between A to B to C.
For example, 9/8 pocket pattern and you collect all the patterns into a list and watch where there is a correlation or bias.
When you have the release number with the belonging pocket pattern you divide the wheel into three sections.
Where you look for one to stick out from the norm after 50 (one direction trails).

So my idea was to make the process more accurate as we know ball/rotor patterns so early (at the beginning) can cheat upon us.
So the classical visual ballistic method (with its strength being accurate) we can set the metronome at 0.7 and have time before NMB and an error marginal of 10 to 30 ms to drop - compared to a wheel signature is superior - and the reason for the name light VB.

Clocking rotor by half rotation …
I have been at my local casino testing some solutions without metronomes and collecting groups of patterns.
Where the estimation of ball speed is constant from visual read to drop.
And rotor timings are the decision-making for rotor movement patterns.

I test headcount where I use 123 123 123 123 in a loop.
And where 3 is pronounced harder as the touch of a vibration tick in the loop.
Where you spot ball position on ball track at the 3 during the 123 loops.

Rotor clocking goes with 1234 1234 123 and stops at different timings.
That is the groups of the rotor movement patterns where ball speed is on its own with no further calculations.

So you can see is a mix of visual ballistics solutions with a touch of sequential signature.
Where you take the distance from your visual read to final outcome and divide the wheel into three sections.
I have my own way of memorising the wheel and can divide it into 1/4 sections to see where the correlations happen.

Deflectors bias is determined as the description in MasterRoulette.

I have not had a chance to put in my data to analyze software as I have deleted my Laurance Scott software by mistake - so if you have a copy I would be glad if you could send me a sample.

I have spoke with laurance years ago and he said to play ballistik combinated with bias,when he had a forum. E was on team.And he played that . Then i have not the possibility to ask him today because he dont answer to me .
But only i can i said if you see the possibilie to exploit dealer signature (you can see it only watching the type of wheel and if it can have what do you want , jump, speed,min- max,dd,drop point, or you know the problem the wheel had… bias , you can win a good edge, depening the wheel and the study.

Thanks - same here - try last year to send an email to Laurance but no more replies.
He stops answering after he removes his advantage site and forum.

And yes, he plays a bias signature, and when there is an open-up attack opportunity, he plays VB.
Like a combination of a signature and VB - he never describes the process in detail.

Cheers Patrik from Sweden

There are most of plays to play with andvantage. The hardest part is to study it, because are too many things to find the error. But if you know about bias ds and vb you have an opportuniti.
You have to study in the same conditions like the speed.
For example when baĺl makes 900 ms you have to know the rest of conditions, and if it changes, all change and you not play.
You have to know the distance for this speed.
Is too hard to study all , but all this study makes you to win or not but with advantage.

Very often is hard for me to understand what you have in mind, but overall looks like if you talk in the forum about what you really do not do yourself…
Maybe you heard about the Pareto principle? When 20% of efforts gave 80% of possible results and the rest 80% of efforts gave only 20% of results? If not heard - find and read about that.

For me looks like you always talk about things which are in this 80% which gave only 20% of the results so is not so important.

In a roulette game main part is not conditions, not brands of wheel… etc, but the right data, which describes the function, or relationship between what players can notice, or measure in the first stage of spin and the final result.
Now many can use say excel, in it are some simple function with the name CORREL, which demonstrate how good two values are related.

For example, if at the beginning of spin you see the number X and the final number is Y, you can write 20 such pairs and with this function check if are some relationships between these numbers.
So if you will do that - you will find that between is no any relationship and that will say that for example, any dealer signature can give you positive results…

That is very very simple and takes only a few minutes you will know some small truth :slight_smile:

But people that do not do, they want to have some hope, maybe, and want to believe, that some DS can give them some treasure :slight_smile:

And that is related not only to roulette…but the fact is that people must start from some important things from this 20% which give 80% benefit :slight_smile:

Esta bien, quizas yo no me exprese correctamente en algunos terminos , porque mi lengua natal es el castellano y no el ingles. De hecho hable con vos varias veces , gane con ventaja varias veces y ese el punto que trataba de mostrar, yo no se de programacion pero se de otras cosas. Una firma de croupier( dealer signature) tiene que estar basada en una velocidad , con la misma bola y con el mismo cilindro. A partir de ahi se puede sacar cuantas vueltas da la bola, cuando empieza a caer y si hay un diamante dominante , y el salto promedio que va a dar. Yo no hablo de mas que quede bien claro.
La bola varia en tamaño y en el material que este hecho, el cilindro si o si le tenes que ver una marca, para identificarlo despues, podes mirar la alineacion de los numeros, podes mirar si la tela esta pegada y q hace la bola una vez una vez que cayo , podes mirar si da vueltas normales o si en algun momento sube y baja y muchas cosas mas, podes mirar los separadores y buscar marcas y si estan flojos o no, podes mirar el piso del casillero si fue arreglado o no o si tiene imperfecciones. Y mucho mas en cuanto a que mirar.
Ahora en la parte fisica sabemos que van a influir, pero no se trata de solo ver que salio antes y que sale ahora. Se trata de ver un punto de partida , poner una velocidad x , y a partir de ahi darle forma al estudio, lo que insisto es muy cansador para 1 sola persona. Traducilo y quedate tranquilo que se bien de lo que hablo . Chau

No solo eso , te contesto porque no es la primera vez, y me tomas como algo que no soy( un ignorante charlatan), y yo no gano nada con escribir, no vendo ni compro nada, y no me va en decir vos lo que presentis que hago yo, me parece un error, porque vos a mi no me conoces.
Que mas? Para observar también esta en ver si la bola empieza a caer por un mismo sector de la ruleta , no sector en numeros sino sector fisico, en q angulo cae, etc.ver marcas en el cono , que pasa si cruza el cono? Hay sectores donantes. Y ya que hablas mal de mi , habiendo hablado antes yo se a que jugas, pero no entiendo porque el rencor…
Yo te dije muy bien a que jugaba , a buscar el error, me preguntaste hasta cuanta plata hacia y era la misma que hacias vos.
Entonces no veo lo incorrecto de mi mensaje, yo no vendo sistemas ni doy cursos tampoco vendo software.
Jugue en equipos si , gane con ventaja de hasta un 80% si, la verdad que no entiendo tus respuestas a veces . Saludos y TRADUCILO

I translate for you …

Okay, maybe I don’t express myself correctly in some terms, because my native language is Spanish and not English. In fact, I spoke with you several times, I won with an advantage several times and that is the point I was trying to show, I don’t know about programming but I know about other things. A croupier signature (dealer signature) has to be based on a speed, with the same ball and with the same cylinder. From there you can get how many laps the ball takes, when it starts to fall and if there is a dominant diamond, and the average jump it will take. I’m not talking about more than it is clear.
The ball varies in size and in the material that is made, the cylinder yes or if you have to see a mark, to identify it later, you can look at the alignment of the numbers, you can see if the fabric is glued and what does the ball do once once it fell, you can see if it spins normally or if at some point it goes up and down and much more, you can look at the separators and look for marks and if they are loose or not, you can look at the floor of the locker if it was fixed or not or if you have imperfections. And much more in terms of what to look at.
Now in the physical part we know that they are going to influence, but it is not just about seeing what came out before and what comes out now. It is about seeing a starting point, setting a speed x, and from there shaping the study, which I insist is very tiring for just 1 person. Translate it and don’t worry, I know what I’m talking about. bye

Translate part two …

Not only that, I answer you because it is not the first time, and you take me as something that I am not (an ignorant charlatan), and I do not gain anything by writing, I do not sell or buy anything, and you are not going to tell me what You present that I do, it seems to me a mistake, because you do not know me.
What else? To observe it is also to see if the ball begins to fall through the same sector of the roulette, not a sector in numbers but a physical sector, at what angle does it fall, etc. See marks on the cone, what happens if it crosses the cone? There are donor sectors. And since you speak ill of me, having spoken before, I know what you’re playing at, but I don’t understand why the rancor…
I told you very well what I was playing, to look for the error, you asked me how much money I made and it was the same as you made.
So I don’t see anything wrong with my message, I don’t sell systems nor do I give courses, nor do I sell software.
Play in teams yes, win with an advantage of up to 80% yes, the truth is that I don’t understand your answers sometimes. Greetings and TRANSLATE

You see, no one will care which teams you played for or how many “millions” you won if the methods you describe would clearly defy logic.

It usually shows that it’s all idle chatter for nothing to do or a desire to brag about something that doesn’t exist…

Anyway, I don’t see the point in such conversations, consider that answering you I just forgot who you are…

Thanks, but in that are not need …
DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator do that fast and enough good :slight_smile:

  • it was not for you - it was for Nicoramone -

Anyway, that site do its job good :slight_smile: