I searched google and came up with nothing, exept huxley wheel.
I was thinking, maybe to form a group of known wheel types and then, if one exists (for example) in local casino, write some data about it. Especially scattering.
huxley wheel(maybe a piscture if you can take one)
the most common ball rest +6 to +15 pockets from the hit number on rotor
Some casinos might have photos of their wheels on their web sites. Roulette looks good in marketing.
For sure it could be helpful to learn that some specific wheel models generally have better scatter, even if it’s hard to notice ball type. Maybe experienced players here could mention what models are their favourites, even if they don’t want to reveal where they usually play?
The same wheel in totaly different casino will probably have very similar scater. That is my point - to take picture, or to find the apropriate one on the internet and describe the behaviour of the ball when it hits rotor.
And when you see that kind of wheel in your casino you will at least know something little of what is waiting there for you.
[quote=“upiwaly, post:5, topic:289”]Of course. It does not matter where one play.
The same wheel in totaly different casino will probably have very similar scater. That is my point - to take picture, or to find the apropriate one on the internet and describe the behaviour of the ball when it hits rotor.[/quote]
Firstly, I think that photography is generally not allowed inside casinos.
Secondly, for sure many factors depend on the type of the wheel. The slope angle between the ball and the diamonds affect the speed with which it will hit its diamond, and thus how far it will jump. The shape of the diamonds also influence that jump. Sometimes horisontal diamonds are placed as high as the top of the vertical diamonds, allowing for not only four, but 8 or even 16 potentially dominant diamonds (whether that is better or worse, I think has been under debate here). Of course the shape of the rotor affects how much the ball will bounce on it and so on and on and on.
But ball type and rotor speed are still extremely important for scatter. Even the degree of tilt should affect scatter. Those factors are individual for each table. And, after all, it isn’t too difficult to see how the scatter looks like “here and now” after a few spins. Data from other casinos at other times with similiar wheels might not add too much of value in practice. But if one could control for the ball type, and adjust for rotor speed somewhat, then I suppose it could be a helpful time saver.
And some wheel types are of course better than other. I’d be interested in hearing stories about that, even if outdated. Like som old time’s burglers had their favourite safe models, which they knew how to crack…
It was hopeless, I’ve never seen a worse wheel! (Though I’m not an experienced casino visitor). Many balls turned into rollers. I.e. after having hit a diamond, the ball rolled “on the numbers” outside of the pockets. Often quite far.
A very important factor was that I played this wheel onboard a ship at sea! I could easily feel how the ship’s tilt angle in the water changed back and forth even during the time it took to do one single spinn. The good thing with roulette at sea, is that there is ALWAYS a substantial tilt! The bad thing is that the tilt direction constantly changes unpredictably… Large cruise ships don’t only roll from side to side. They tilt back and forth too depending on where the peak(s) of the highest magnitude of waves is/are located under its hull.
Maybe that same wheel type behaves much more politely when on dry land?
Actually, the wheel I played had a laser reader. So that exact type is not illustrated on CTC’s website. I think that they change wheel types frequently and mix components. Different rotors can probably fit on different wheel frames. And more expensive wheels of course come with service contracts. And the service technicians change only some spare parts, like ball bearings or rotor number ring or pocket type. So each wheel might very well actually become mechanically unique combination of parts! I think it could be difficult to make any consistent catalogue over wheel types.
Its not adviceable to draw direct conclusions from wheel to wheel. If we put another ball type into the same wheel, the scatter will be like in an entirely new wheel. Or putting the same ball into another wheel.
Here is a Caro wheel and a Huxley with an big old Ivory ball and a small fast jumping nylon ball (in the Huxley)
Here is a Starburst wheel scatter diagram (again, iy will look totally different with another ball type)
And here is a Huxley wheel with 2 different ball types:
Most wheels has a “sweet speed” where the bounce is very small. The Cammegh Connosieur for example has a particular speed where it holds the ball 8 out of 10 times in the strike pocket. If the wheel is 0.10 sec faster or slower, the ball will roll on over the frets and bounce up and down the cone and the sides and perform some sort of scatter.
It does matter not to mention where a wheel is located. We don`t know for sure who is reading these boards.
Imagine playing FF’s TILT2 on Huxley with 17mm Teflon where hits to rotoe are ~1:5.
After 30 spins you will be banned.
Cammegh Connosieur,
A guy who bought FFA claimed to win 7 times in a row few thousands with my VB on Cammegh Connosieur wheel. 8th time I played with him and we won $2,000.
The ball was stopping instantly or it rolled but for full rotation. He start calling it a second chance.
Instead of encourage him I explained him why I do not play such wheel.
Because on many cases that will not happen, and it might be as you say very related to rotor speed. So I prefer to play something I know better.
While on Cammegh Connosieur the ball scatter looks to me the most random, I found some wheels with different ball and it looks more predictable.
Also some of them have different pocket dividers, higher that look more as on Huxley wheels, and on them scatter looks even better. But I still did not spend enough time with such wheels to know is it worth playing.
The Connosieurs looks at first sight pretty random, but we have 5 of them within 25 kilometers and i have done a lot of tracking and playing on them, and they are not so bad actually. Some speeds…just keep your hands in the pockets or simply run, but the sweet speeds…yum yum.