Law of physics govern the behaviour of roulette ball yet not many people understand it. Force is really a vector and can be broken down into vertical and horizontal and up/down. What affect the scatter is really simple, the resultant force which is affected by
- Level of tilt of the wheel
- Gravitation constant
- Air pressure
- Dealer spin and backspin
- Ball size used.
- Diamond postition on the wheel
- Steepness of apron
If you can think of the above, you can beat most wheels without taking loads of data for vb or bias.
For us not need to know what effect, but simply position after the ball stops… and it is enough random, to calculate using such parameters as you mention. Even not clear how to measure them.
Not one has done tests to find the relationship between some parameter and distance which scattering ball, but I did not hear that somebody had succeeded in that…
Such tasks where can be many forces that can affect and not clear how to find a relationship between the parameter and the result solved in a different way…
There are plenty of analogs from economics…
After understanding all the force, i can adjust to changing conditions.
For example, when i see the ball suddenly frequently travel to the cone becasue the dealer spins the ball weakly/normally with lots of back spin and i can hear that, i incorporate a shortening of ball travel distance. Also, when i see the ball travel at at really shallow angle, roll on the number ring multiple times before hitting a pocket, i know it is random for vb and probably good for bias if it is a wheel wobble then i avoid playing.
If you don’t understand physics, such as air pressure, then when the data is different air pressure to when you are playing, let’s say thr air pressure got much lower than data you took, the balltravelling distance will increase. With such knolwedge, i can play in conditions i don’t even have data for.
Another important factor is rotor speed, faster rotor speed usually has more scatter and it is quite sensitve.
It is very dangerous when people think that they are the best - usually all is the opposite 
I never said i am the best but i can beat more and more wheels and even some on site by just watching 50 spins. Realized advantage is 10-20% consitently and i am able to shift my betting numbers according to change in condtions like dealer, type of spin, rotor speed, air pressure, level of tilt of wheel, cleaniness of wheel, ball size and also under almost all conditions.
Once famous roulette player said the advantage on the trapped air pocket is like 15%-30%. However, this is not always true, less say that whole sector has a negative advantage of -20% becasue of other defect, then even it is trapped air, it doesn’t mean betting that number will gurantee you win. In fact, you might loose heavily becasue you might be over betting.
Not clear what you name as “trapped air pocket”, but to lose when are 15%-30% advantage is not realistic.
The problem is how to detect and count that advantage. Usually, people mix ROI and advantage and do not know what is what.
But why then talk that you win millions ? All that you say are only words and you say is nothing new… here are also not silly dads and they play not the first day…
A trapped air is a pocket with trapped air which the advantage is naturally 15% when a large ball is used because the pocket absorb the energy of the ball. It only is 15% given that there is an equal chance that a ball would first strike any number on the wheel. However, a wheel head wobble can casue the ball to have a bias strike number, meaning the 15% can now become 5%, becasue the strike zone which is good for the bias number is now less likely to hit.
Do you have in mind an air bladder directly in pocket?
To be honest, winning 1 million is not much. Why would you think it is a lot? Is it becasue the country you play the casino are broke?
Trap air is like the pocket has some air and it acts as a cushioning effect as the ball contact with that pocket. You can think of it a ball hitting a soft material won’t bounce much and stays in the biased pocket but a ball would bounce normally on other pockets like a basketball bounce on a hard ground.