New Book from Pierre Basieux. Special interest for the forum

Einf ¼hrung - Vorbemerkungen … 11

Verehrter Roulette-Player … 11
Roulette: klassisch & physikalisch; Wahrscheinlichkeit & Statistik … 12
Wurfweitenspiel & Kesselgucken: Gemeinsamkeiten & Unterschiede … 16
Spieler und T ¼ftler: verachtet … 18
Die visuelle Ballistik mit technischen Hilfsmitteln … 19

1. Die Anatomie des Coups - Effekte … 23

Das Rollen der Kugel im starren Kesselbereich … 24
a) Die Funktion KRLZ als Hauptschl ¼ssel f ¼r eine Prognose … 24
b) Der Rauten-Effekt durch die Kesselschieflage (Tilt) … 28
c) Der Diskretisierungs-Effekt durch die Rauten … 29
d) Der roll-chaotische Kollisions-Effekt: unberechenbar, aber … … 32
Sprungverhalten und Streuweiten-Verteilung (Streu-Diagramme) … 35
Die Scheibengeschwindigkeit: ein sensibler Faktor … 38
Der „Gegen ¼ber-Effekt" als Faustregel: Ursachen; Abweichungen … 39
Die Kompensations-Effekte: ein Bisschen systematisches Gl ¼ck … 40

2. Anmerkungen zu einigen B-Algorithmen … 41

Was ist ein Algorithmus? … 41
Edward O. Thorp: Pionier im Analog-Zeitalter … 42
Rotronis: Mit einem Tretroller Formel-1 gewinnen? … 45
Roulette-Meister: Gut konzipiert - verh ¤ngnisvoll vermarktet … 47
Laurance Scott: Der erste Kesselgucker-Video-Kurs … 50
Mark Anthony Howe: Taugen Newtons Gleichungen f ¼r die Praxis? … 51
Stefano Hourmouzis: Des Kaisers (sehr teure) neue Kleider … 52
Millionen-Coup im Londoner Ritz: Wo f ¤ngt Betrug an? … 53

3. Die empirische Philosophie des B-Algorithmus … 55

Optimale Abbildung der Realit ¤t: explizite oder implizite L ¶sung? … 56
Die konstruktive Erfassung der Hauptfunktion KRLZ(TUK3) … 58
Explizite und implizite Einbindung der Streuweiten-Verteilung … 60
Das Fluss-Diagramm und die globale Programm-Struktur … 62
Die Module des Ballistik-Programms … 66

4. Messungen, Prognosen und Setzbereiche … 69

Die konstanten Parameter f ¼r einen Tisch … 69
Messungen; Erfassung von Lerndaten … 71
Die Mikro-Beschaffenheit der Hauptfunktion KRLZ(TUK3) … 72
Berechnung der Scheibenposition im Kollisionsaugenblick … 74
Das Testen des Programms; Qualit ¤tskontrolle … 76
„Hit Rates" - Relative H ¤ufigkeiten von Treffern … 78
Prognose-Arten: Punkt, Achse, Dreiteilung und œberkreuz … 83

5. Signatur des Croupiers: Wurfweiten-Spiele … 85

Eine kurze Vorgeschichte - Die Markov-Eigenschaft der Croupiers … 85
Wege und Zeiten: f ¼r das WW-Spiel gleichwertig … 88
Lokaler WW-Algorithmus: Kurzfassung aus ZdS … 89
Spieler-Temperamente und die „gef ¼hlte Spielbarkeit" … 102
Das breite, starre WW-System des Stefano Hourmouzis … 103
Globales WW-Spiel: ein erster Ausblick … 106
Wichtige Anmerkung ¼ber weitere lokale und globale Kriterien … 107

6. Tisch-Charakteristik als Super-WW-Muster … 109

Intuition; Muster aus Symmetrien, Periodizit ¤ten, œberlagerungen … 109
Wie WW-Multi-Prognosen zu geeigneten Mustern f ¼hren … 112
Die Wieder-Vereinfachung zum globalen WW-Spiel … 121
Z- und M-Algorithmus f ¼r die T-Char-Methode - Anmerkungen … 124

7. Anmerkungen zur (algorithmischen) Technologie … 125

A) Zur Funktionsweise des B-Algorithmus auf Mini-PC … 126
Erfassen der Parameter und Messen der Coup-Daten … 126
Output und Qualit ¤tskontrolle der Prognosen … 130
Durchf ¼hrung: „Mehr-Mann-L ¶sung" kontra „Ein-Mann-L ¶sung" … 131
Feedback als beste Nachf ¼hrungsstrategie f ¼r die Lerndaten … 131
Mini-PC f ¼r das WW-Spiel als einfache Buchhaltungshilfe erlaubt? … 132
B) Technologische Weiterentwicklungen … 134
Universelle Roulette-Datenbank - Eichung mit wenigen Lern-Coups … 134
Differenziertere Abh ¤ngigkeiten der Streuweiten … 136
Akustik-Scanner f ¼r automatische Messungen der Kugeluml ¤ufe … 137
Optische Messungen von Scheibe und Kugel … 138
C) Strategie und Technologie der totalen Tarnung … 139D)

ANHANG: Zur Metronom-Gucker-Methode (MGM) … 140

Nachwort: Das Geheimnis des praktischen Erfolgs … 147
Register … 153
Literatur: B ¼cher - Artikel - Internet-Quellen … 157
Der Autor … 159

If you have any questions regarding translation of some of the chapter titles let me know. You may not get the correct translation in some of the free translation machines on the net.

The book comes in A4 format and is available before christmas. By BOD (Books on Demand)

[b]Page 30.

You will have to buy the book to get the rest…[/b]

Thorp, Rotronis, Roulette meister, Mark Howe, Stefano computers is being commented in chapter 2. Stefano Hourmouzis: Des Kaisers (sehr teure) neue Kleider means the emperors very expensive new clothes. I don`t know yet what he writes about it, but it may not be too flattering judging from that head line.

I think the comments to Mark Howys will be in line with what he has earlyer maintained: Too ideal for real use, cannot adapt to the different decelleration deviations in different spins.

Very interesting book, thanks for the recommendation, Kelly! I look forward to reading it when it arrives.

I speak some German, but there are some abreviations which I do not understand. What does “KRLZ” stand for? And what is really meant with “WW” or Werfeweiten (throw-length)?

Also, I would be interested to know which kind of technical devices in assisting the measurements he writes about? What about akoustik and optical aids? Of what kinds?

The page (30) you quoted is quite interesting. In English it says that the ball accelerates and decelerates chaotically from the time that it lets go of the ball track and until it hits a diamond. This makes it more difficult to predict which diamond it will hit. It could suddenly dodge the most likely diamond for unpredictable reasons.

Why a ball would behave like that, I have no idea. But it is credible that the ball is extra sensitive for the smallest infuence (such as temperature, its own spin, tiny dust etc) when gravitation is exactly balanced by the centrufugal force. A piece of bad news in any case.

Rollo, im not too sure, but almost, of KRLZ but it is either Kugel Rest Lauf Zeit (ball running time) "Kugel Roll Lauf Zeit or something to do with Kollision Lauf Zeit (measured time to collision with diamond). It says in chapter 4
" Die Mikro-Beschaffenheit der Hauptfunktion KRLZ(TUK3) … 72 "

TUK which is measure of ball ( K = kugel = ball) and TUS which measure of rotor (S = scheibe = rotor). This has been handled in one of his earlyer works where he is going through some of his earlyer computer soloutions.

The earlyer soloutions only mentions TUK 1 and TUK 2 which is measures between 3 and 4 and 4 and 5 ball revs (out of average 14 - 15 totals). KRLZ relates to TUK 3 which i can`t find anywhere but i got a feeling it might relate to "Remaining running time"

Akustik-Scanner f ¼r automatische Messungen der Kugeluml ¤ufe … 137
Optische Messungen von Scheibe und Kugel … 138

Well we will have to see what he writes, in his old laboratory when he lived at the Steingerger See he had a fully operational laboratory with all kinds of technical stuff, stroboscope lights for measures and scanners for measures etc. 2 wheels also. Optisch = Optic and Akustik scanner = Acoustic scanner, measures by sound. Somehow he got to a soloution where the scanner could determine when the ball was closest to the scanner defined by the height of the noise, and that way there would always be an almost instant position where the ball noise "peaked" and could be used for measure point automaticly be the computer.

WW you got right. Wurf Weiten means "throwing distance" measured in pockets. Release number…outcome number. Pocket amounts between these two: Throwing distance or Wurf Weiten.

He is on page 30 talking about the difference in the ball path from release of the running track to collision with the first diamond. Well, i think most of us has experienced that, but we are now getting a maybe closer explanation. Again, one of the many factors that can influence the outcome during the spin no matter how precise we measure.

It doesnt mean we cant have an edge because the physics is making sure that we are no longer working within math probabilitys but so called "super posed" probabilitys or in german "Ueberlagerte wahrscheinlichkeiten".

Here is page 31.

It shows “enger TUK bereich” which means a narrow selection of ball measures, f.ex. all ball revs. between 1.02 and 1.03 sec. Don`t pay too much attention to the numbers its just to visualize.

The PIC shows that there can be 3 different KRLZ with the same narrow TUK measures. BUT that 2 of them is much more frequent than the third. Again, super posed probabilitys. You have 3 possibilitys.

So in the long run 1/3 if we used normal probabilitys, but because of the physics involved, the percents is moved to rougly 20% for KRZL 3 and 50% to KRZL 2 and 30% for KRZL 1. Superposed probabilitys.

Mail from Pierre Basieux.

[b]bei Zeit-Messungen ist die Prognose-Hauptfunktion KRLZ
die Kugel-Restlaufzeit nach Abschluss von 3 Kugeluml ¤ufen

TUK3 (T: Time, U: Umlauf, K: Kugel) bis zur Kollision;
KRLZ ist dann eine Funktion der Variablen TUK3;

bei Weg-Z ¤hlungen entspricht das der Anzahl restlicher

In der Z ¤hmung des Zufalls (5. Aufl.) siehst Du schon diese
Funktionen in der Abb. 6.8, Seite 193:

KRLZ heisst dort T, und TUK3 heisst dort t(3KG).

Aber im neuen Buch ist alles nat ¼rlich nicht nur genauer,

sondern auch direkt f ¼r das Ballistik-Programm umgesetzt;

Basicly it means that KRZL also is the main prediction function and that TUK 3 is already described in one of the books i got, it is just calld t(3KG) so it is pretty well explained.

KRZL is then a function of the variable TUK 3.

At the bottom he writes that in the new book this is not only more precise described, but is also written so that it can be directly used in a ballistic software.

This page is from the book “Die Zaehmung des Zufalls”

[b]This is how a typical run of a roughly 15 sec. long spin was clocked by one of the early soloutions by Basieux. I believe but is not sure, somewhere in the mid 80`s. His first soloutions was in ~ 1983.

You see how TUS (measure of rotor) starts at between 1 and 2 secs. and finishes somewhere between 5 and 6. This is a variabel ofcourse.

You then see TUK 1 and TUK 2 measures of ball speed.

You then got a prediction after around 6.5 secs. and you then got roughly 3 sec. do place your bets. “Einsatz” and then it moves into “Tote Zeit” which is after NMB and you can`t do much but watch. Which in this model is the last 1/3 of the spin.

If i recall it correct it was with this model Basieux was barred after pocketing 80.000. I might be wrong though.[/b]


I have asked Pierre that same question for the last 5 years because i think there would be a huge market for him.

But he is simply not interested, he also maintains that he needs an american gambling publisher which is probably correct. Probably a Vegas based one.

Its not because of the language because his English is as good as mine if not better.


I do small run publishing myself but couldn’t do justice to the distribution required for Pierre’s book.

I’m not recommending the book but The Roulette Formula and The European Roulette Book by Kimo Li are published by Trafford Publishing with the following comments…

“Offices in Canada, USA, Ireland and UK
This book was published on-demand in cooperation with Trafford Publishing.On-demand publishing is a unique process and service of making a book available for retail sale to the public taking advantage of on-demand manufacturing and Internet marketing. On-demand publishing includes promotions, retail sales, manufacturing, order fulfillment, accounting and collecting royalties on behalf of the author.”

My copy arrived in Tasmania from the UK 7 days after my order was placed via Amazon. That’s pretty good service.

You may ask Pierre to please consider?


That all is fine, but I do not see the point.

If roulette is made that all numbers are in order, on the table and on the wheel, then with boiling brain I discover it, how that would help me to predict. It would not. It would be still same game if you do not know where the ball will hit.

If Kimo Lee found relationship how and why they are distributed as they are, it does not change anything. For ordinary player it does not matter, for advanced player is same because he already should know in which order numbers are on the wheel. Therefore definitely he will not think about Kimo Lee formula.

I mean why people complicate it, then they discover what is complicated and think that they solved problem.

I do not want to disrespect his book because I do not know if there is any other valuable material but considering this as main topic …

If you have the book then tell me if there is any way that he can predict winning number if numbers on the wheel are in numerical order.

Let me give you another example.

Few years ago somewhere on the net I read of “great discovery”
Well the guy found out that one column had more black numbers then red ones. So he thinks if he plays it and in addition he plays black he is better of.
Is he? Does it mean if roulette is redesign and one column has all 12 blacks that he will have even greater advantage? Of course not, he will have greater advantage only if black numbers are coming more often. But he has no way to know that.

I think that on this world there is more stupid people then smart ones. On top of that smart people do not like politics. It means that democracy really has no chance to select the best. Bush was democratically selected same as Hitler. People elect them, but did they really have choice.


That’s why I said…

I'm not recommending the book

I’m recommending the method of publishing and the publisher.

I’ll let you know after I read it but I very much doubt if there will be anything of interest to us in it. :smiley:

I purchased it purely for my collection which is well over 1,000 gambling books including more than 100 on roulette.


:smiley: Mike, and i do not have any.

That does not bother me to be confident to say that I have higher advantage then Ritz team. Wooo surprise lol.

Well do math by yourself.
If I play $5 units and make in 2 hr $5000.
What would be if I played 1000 pounds units and play for 2 days.
1000x1000 = 1M then multiply it by 2x 2 hr per day. Total 4M pounds.
The only difference is that after that winning, someone would find me with a hook on the bottom of river Thames. Or I would be shot dead with backpack on my back.
After that 4M would disappear and tax payers would pay for additional security around South Bank.


If you played for two days you would be all zapped out and without enough concentration to resist the first pretty girl with a drink in her hand. :lol: :lol:


That did not happend only once.
It’s collateral damage and there is nothing I can do about it.

Mike, Pierre reads here on occasion but i don`t think he wishes to participate. He will contact you if he is interested.

Kelly recently I talked with someone who is using Pierres technique on leveled wheel. I forgot to ask him is that original, or he somehow modify it. I thought that his play is only on tilted wheel.

Pierre has several approaches to visual ballistics as also to dealers signature.

Some of the approaches, needs a level wheel to be calculated right, but the MGM method (page 140) needs a tilt. Personally i have an extension to the parameters he describes, that covers level wheel play.

His computer programs though, is fitted to whatever tilt there is on the wheel. If its level, his algorithms fits a level wheel, for a tilted wheel there is a different algorithm.

Does it mean that he needs many spins to set it up.