Need help

I apologize for my English, I did not know much. Guys, maybe someone will share the literature on vb or dealer signature?I had a lot of books, including strategy uwe, jafco, genuine winner etc. But now I can not restore these books and study because of the fault of my computer

[quote=“skywalker, post:1, topic:1196”]I apologize for my English, I did not know much. Guys, maybe someone will share the literature on vb or dealer signature?I had a lot of books, including strategy uwe, jafco, genuine winner etc. But now I can not restore these books and study because of the fault of my computer[/quote]if the foult is only on your computer, you may consider to take hard drive out and connect it to other computer to retrieve your data.Any friend with desctop pc at home should be able to help you. If HD is damaged, you may buy identical one and just replace disks… look on your tube how it may be done.
Good luck.

You can burn a live Linux CD and run your computer from the CD operativ system …
Then from that operativ system you can open up folders on the hard drive …

So if computer starts and cd works you can acces your hardrive
Or else you can connect your hard drive to other computer

If you want visual ballistic material from me - then you have to pay me - because i stop giving away free stuff - because no one say thank you …

Thank you very much for the help. But the situation is that this disc is not already. Therefore, I ask, maybe someone will share interesting developments on ballistics? I am a novice in this business and I want to learn to play by this method. Previously, he played for the system for many years. Now, I understand that roulette systems do not win. I apologize in advance and thanks for the help.

You can get VB2 for free, but as i understand it you need timer to use it.
Ask Forester or PM him.


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[quote=“lucky_strike, post:3, topic:1196”]You can burn a live Linux CD and run your computer from the CD operativ system …
Then from that operativ system you can open up folders on the hard drive …

So if computer starts and cd works you can acces your hardrive
Or else you can connect your hard drive to other computer

If you want visual ballistic material from me - then you have to pay me - because i stop giving away free stuff - because no one say thank you …[/quote]Thank you lucky. You have been big help. Very big thank you.

[quote=“sergiy, post:7, topic:1196”][quote=“lucky_strike, post:3, topic:1196”]You can burn a live Linux CD and run your computer from the CD operativ system …
Then from that operativ system you can open up folders on the hard drive …

So if computer starts and cd works you can acces your hardrive
Or else you can connect your hard drive to other computer

If you want visual ballistic material from me - then you have to pay me - because i stop giving away free stuff - because no one say thank you …[/quote]Thank you lucky. You have been big help. Very big thank you.[/quote]

Me too, thank you Lucky for your generous materials and help in the forum. :slight_smile: