I read talk in RP chat between Donna_Amon and hotjohnn… The same or similar discussions possible to read in maybe all other forums. Some talks that they can beat roulette and when get ask to show that , starts problems.
Of course in 90 % or even more they simply cant beat , but even if can and want that to show - really hard to find way how to do that in internet. Of course possible to do video on own wheel cut edges - public on youtube , then predict then public complete video.
Problem that such behave takes a lot job from both sides and for that side which try to show its abilities always possible to say that this concrete wheel was not enough good and other.
From other side it is clear that if are video we can measure say ball speed and wheel speed by frames and be in situattion in which we never will be in real casino, no matter we play with RC or with VB.
I saw some translations via skype with 60fr/sec web camera, realy picture is not bad. So i think this way to show abilities is most easy way. Here we even not need 60 fr/sec . Really for that who look enough to see that all is in real time and that who try to show see all in reality …
Of course here is big advantage for predictor , because he predicts on own wheel …but other way till now i not know. If somebody will suggest something interesting will be nice…because will be good how to find way to show abilities for these who not have own wheel at home…