I’m trying to read this forum and learn about VB2 as much as I can.
I understand reference number:
Count 2 seconds at particular point in time, read reference number, count to 2 seconds again in same spin and read reference number. If reference number is same, then reference time is correct
On next spin, if rotor speed is the same, use same reference time to get get prediction number (without offset).
But I don’t understand: how close does rotor speed between spins have to be? What if instead of 4.0 rotor speed it’s 4.1 or 4.2 rotor speed (ie 4.2 seconds to do full revolution instead of 4.0)? Is 4.0 and 4.2 “similar” enough rotor speed to use same reference time?
I use 1.5 sec, depends i guess where you are playing. If the rotor is faster/slower just make adjustments according to amount of pockets that are extra and on how many seconds you think until the ball drops. I played it today with fairly good results, probably because wheel was the perfect speed.
[quote=“encore_, post:1, topic:706”]Count 2 seconds at particular point in time, read reference number, count to 2 seconds again in same spin and read reference number. If reference number is same, then reference time is correct[/quote]But in his video Forester explaining that we are using 1.2 sec but not 2 sec.And 2 sec.(or 1.5) we should use ONLY for timing rotor.Or probably because of my English I misunderstood?
Alan, I used 1.2 sec because I already knew it is correct s I do not lose time on video. I explained way how to test if the time is ok.
The time can be anything most likely it’s in between 1.2 -2 sec.
Also how to calculate time if you have times of ball revolutions it is explained here.
[quote=“forester, post:6, topic:706”]You welcome .
It looks as I am the only one that with each system highlights and weakest points ;)[/quote]
That is because as you said before *VB2 may be hard to understand since it’s created by brilliant mind * ;D
Easy to apply.
VB2 can handle well if prediction is in wrong ball rotation or if rotor speed changes but not both of it.
VB2 may be hard to understand since it’s created by brilliant mind 8)