Hey, I’m newbie looking for roulette computer

Hey, I’m newbie looking for roulette computer
If somebody got any work one I will be happy to share with me please🙏

There are shop , I think better try here :

What I need to buy exactly?
And I see a lot of videos of acrobat 6 or whatever post here…
The videos is too much time and I don’t understand exactly how to use it?

Who can know better than you - what you need ? Best - try contact with Forester , but still, he needs to understand - what you do not understand. natural that you can’t understand how to use a device when you do not have it.
You can buy FFV it has some special timers for simpler play and go-by steps, because I have doubts if you at all know something about VB method …
Computer only helps you - it will not win itself :slight_smile: …so you must have some knowledge about “how to play”…
Anyway, start from contact with Forester…

I’m looking to buy an ffv or ffz at a reasonable price