Glory to Forester!

Hi, just got back. Feeling tired but filled with excitement. 8)

First of all, I never realized that my VB2 skills was up for play, until sergiy asked me to go without FFA.

As I said, the e-wheel has 3 different speed for ball spin and rotor. Most of the time I notice was that, it is the slow and medium speed that comes out more often than the fast (in ball spin and rotor). My VB2 skills was able to predict in the slow and medium condition, but not the fast one, so I avoid the fast one. The result was good! For the first hour or so, I managed to predict most of them right, those that missed was due to 1) hitting the horizontal diamond and it travel more distance before it drop on the rotor, 2) bounce one or two pocket more (The rotor offset is 10 from the dropping point, and in ball direction I placed 10 bets after 10 pockets away from the dropping point). 3) other unknown factor (I guessed I didn’t get the 1.25s right)

Then after an hour or so, it was a straight loss 4 games, and I withdraw from betting (I learn from my mistakes the last time, when the table turns unfavorable, straight loss 4 games I hold my bets but keeps on predicting until there is 2 wins, before I placed bets again ;D) . Then I got another “loss” of 20 games. I stopped and I analysis the problem.

I guess I was wearing out myself and I didn’t know. In real table roulette game, it takes at least 2-5 minutes to start a game, but when there was some one winning (especially in a clouded table), it take 5-10 mins to pay out the wins. More than enough to take a rest. In the electronic wheel, it only takes 1 minutes for a game. Placing bets, ball spins, ball drops, paying out wins, repeat the process. In one hour there is 60 games, 30CW and 30ACW. I guess I was so tired that my 1.25s has become a 1.35s or even 1.5s. Anyway, it was a good to know myself a bit more.

Still, I brought my FFA, I “set” the dropping point again. Then used tilt 1 to play, without enabling the auto-play. I just do my recording regarding to the ball speed, rotor speed, FFA predicted dropping point(pocket) , actual dropping point(pocket), final ball resting pocket, manual offset. Well, I am still studying the record, all I know so far is offset 10 has a better chance of winning.

I remember the last time when I was doing set, instead of clocking the ball when the ball is vertically above the dd, due to angle error, I clocked the ball when it is about to enter the DD. That’s why I got the predicted number from FFA without needing to do offset. But I did something silly, I pressed the switch too long, making the FFA doing the reset the offset, and the result become was chaotic.

Yes timing without timer can go wrong.

Most likely you didn’t do it since it was automated wheel but one of common mistakes is to change time of prediction to much later moment. It was a huge mistake i did when learning VB2. To make it worst I also stopped as you did, tried to predict and i was getting it ok. But when playing i was again predicting to late. VB2 if used to late loses linearity.

Be careful with offset adjusting, with Acrobat 2 i add more talking before change so it avoids mistakes. You can always go to offset settings and set it back to zero or desired offset.

[quote=“forester, post:22, topic:1022”]Yes timing without timer can go wrong.

Most likely you didn’t do it since it was automated wheel but one of common mistakes is to change time of prediction to much later moment. It was a huge mistake i did when learning VB2. To make it worst I also stopped as you did, tried to predict and i was getting it ok. But when playing i was again predicting to late. VB2 if used to late loses linearity. [/quote]

Oh, so how did you overcome it? Use a timer? Or a metronome?

Mage, timer has its own limitations… you would be better with methronom. Just put it with the interval of time you need. And see where is the ball when methromon make vibration. If it “starts in the wrong place” -adjast. Double check your tread about vb2. There is something there for you to consider. And make shure you predict befor knee point and more or less in the same time befor drop.Hope it helps…

Timer can be a solution but i was more explaining how bad can be if you shift prediction to predict to late. With VB2 you need to predict, not later then 5 rotations. Target 7,8, 9th the best and avoid fast rotors.

According to guy who watched me playing for hours, he said;
“You are amazing with VB2, but stay away form fast rotors. I know it is your system and you trying the best but after all when wheel is fast you are just struggling”

Thanks, but where to get a methronom with vibration?

Well Forester, I was making prediction in the 15th rotations for slow (25-27 rotations) and medium (28-30 rotations) ball speed, and 22th for fast (31-33 rotations) ball speed. Predicting at the last 7, 8, 9th rotations can be a bit problem, as the nmb is issued before I can make my bet. But I will make a try on your advice and see the result. :wink:

Typhoon Krosa is making its way here, I hope it will not affect my journey to the West!

31-33 rotations
i am not sure what do you mean.

We count ball rotations from the back of the spin .
So when I say I predict 7th rotations it means i predict when the ball has 7 rotations to go and drops on rotor.

There is no point counting ball rotations from the start of spin.

If you were predicting so early hardly that any ball detection will work. You can play only if amount of ball rotations is reasonably constant, for example 30-33 but you have to focus hardly on rotor adjustments. It is because from moment you predict the spin is long and 1 pockets per second difference would change result by ~ 20 pockets to the end.

Recently a VB player asked me to make him a timer.
I made a small program for FFZ for $400 for him.
The timer starts with switch pressed and it gives pulses every second.
What was interesting is that he also wanted pulse as soon as he pressed the switch.
It is actually very good because he can instantly see on which number he really pressed the switch.

Could it be used on ffv?

Mage, just google vibrating methronom on amazone, or download it to your phone… l use android app with same name.

Yes, if you have programmer.

Any chance to see it in downloads? Id like to try :smiley:

[quote=“forester, post:27, topic:1022”]31-33 rotations
i am not sure what do you mean.

We count ball rotations from the back of the spin .
So when I say I predict 7th rotations it means i predict when the ball has 7 rotations to go and drops on rotor.

There is no point counting ball rotations from the start of spin.

If you were predicting so early hardly that any ball detection will work. You can play only if amount of ball rotations is reasonably constant, for example 30-33 but you have to focus hardly on rotor adjustments. It is because from moment you predict the spin is long and 1 pockets per second difference would change result by ~ 20 pockets to the end.

Recently a VB player asked me to make him a timer.
I made a small program for FFZ for $400 for him.
The timer starts with switch pressed and it gives pulses every second.
What was interesting is that he also wanted pulse as soon as he pressed the switch.
It is actually very good because he can instantly see on which number he really pressed the switch.[/quote]

A pulse at the point of clocking. That maybe an interesting idea!?

What for? I would prefere pulse on diamond where ball gonna strike :smiley: hm…

A pulse at the point of clocking may give a visual que for how good clocking is each spin. Without good
clocking a pulse on the expected diamond means nothing.

When i was playing E2 the pulse at moment when I press the switch would help a lot. Interesting for all past years never thought about it.

What I did.
I removed menu 7 on Acrobat 2 since I never use it then I added the timer.

Currently I am not at home, when I come back I’ll make it available for downloading.

Yes!!! Glory to the Forester! !!! :smiley:
Couple of lines how to set the timer would be cool :o

Yes, an very interesting idea on the timer.

[quote=“forester, post:27, topic:1022”]31-33 rotations
i am not sure what do you mean.[/quote]

I was referring to the number of spins the ball has made before it fall to the rotor.

I began to realize the importance of rotor adjustment. Remember the last time I told you about the new roulette that has the “fog” arises after the ball go spinning?

Well, it has changed the way of playing. (I guess someone has already broke into the secrete and won lots of cash from it, so the big brothers change the way of playing, too bad I didn’t exploited it) Now, this is how it play: when the button is pressed, the ball is “jetted” into the rim from the rotor, and then it starts spinning 3 spins before the “fog” cover the play, at this point the nmb is issued. Although I cannot see which diamond it hits, but I can hear the sound, and I know which is the DD with a number of play. This wheel has one thing I love, the pockets are in order 0,1,2,3,4,5,6…34,35,36. So if I buy outside bet 1-18 or 19-36, I bought almost half the wheel, I wonder if forester can build a device to exploit this wheel.

Well, I was thinking to use it, but somehow my VB2 was doing good.

Bad news! The e-wheel I used to play was in service, I just hope that they didn’t removed it.

Anyway, I know there is another place that has the same e-wheel. The e-wheel was really good! It has went just I wanted it to, I simply used VB2 to play and I won half of the game. But then my tiredness set in, the 1.25s was becoming 1.5s - 2s. So I decided to use FFA to do the job. Well, I don’t know, it didn’t work out. So I switch back to VB2. It went quite well. But I guess I am too rush(since I bought my ship ticket, at the last 5 minutes, I throw half of my bets into play, AND DAMN IT MISS BY ONE POCKET! >:( >:( >:(

So I throw in my last half AND DAMN IT MISSED BY TWO POCKET!!! >:( >:( >:(

Well, I am damn determined to beat(crush is a better word!) the e-wheel next time round!