There ARE opportunity windows here and there but its not like we can just walz in every street corner casino and start playing.
I like the sentence :D.
"I would say it would be relatively easy to make a independent test where no details were hidden as they are in Stefanos test document. It raises more questions around why the details are hidden rather than answering questions."
When promoting his system he said.
“The testing will take place in approximately one month, after
which a report detailing the results will be published on my web
site and to the media. The physicist’s credentials will also be
From all of that nothing that matters happened.
Same as with his worlds roulette conference.
He published some pictures claiming it is his assistant, with promise how soon will come more and videos of conference. On the end he published nothing else, and we found out that on the picture wasn’t his assistant but Stefano himself in same t-shirt that he sleeps. (check Bagos site)
The point here is that Stefano never delivers what he promises, he promising everything only for marketing reasons.
"As for his computer, i have no doubt it can predict something under the right conditions, even I could have someone with electronical skills put somethiing together that worked under good conditions, so why not Stefano. What it really can, we don`t know because noone has made a proper independent test. "
Well yes it should, I said that many times.
You maybe did not notice, but his compute now works differently than before, actually he is cloning the FF. I do not have problem with that and I also believe that now it may work better then before.
Few years back he claimed to predict levelled wheel with a single ball rotation clocked, and publicly abused me for clocking more rotations. Now he is clocking ~10 to make computer to checking for ball speed until it comes to a particular speed range. Compare that with his previous single rotation clocked at any moment during the spin on a levelled wheel as he was presenting on some of his videos earlier published.
What he is trying to do now is to find someone who can confirm that his computer can predict same spin with close to same results, and use it as a prove that all written about his computers is not truth. For him that will be also reason to brag all around forums how he proved all his claims and how all the others are idiots.
So for Snowman If test ever happened I suggest to test all claims Stefano made. According to Stefano has some more secrets which are secrets and he doesn’t want public know about it, so he can disable it. But there is no reason why Snowman shouldn’t be able to test everything already advertised.
Of course good quick and simple test is full 4D teat as explained at, with predictions in different ball rotations (predicting at different moments during the spin and expecting same results) also test of checking for rotor calculation.
Bottom line is what I was always telling to Stefano and it still applies.
If the computer is so good and can do all advertised, I am the player and many of my friends are players. We do not care FF or any other computer we need the best. If computer works we all will buy it. It doesn’t have to be me to test it, it can be any of us. There is no reason why one Jackal, security man or Fatgambler would be dishonest and support FF if he tested it and found it better. For his advertising purposes he writes how he is giving computers for free, making teams, blah blah…, but in same time refusing to supply it to people for which he knows are the players.
"I think the lack of real life success stories is that 80% of peoples total bank roll is gone with the purchase of the device. They then practice in front of the computer instead of in front of a wheel with a table layout, in the end they end up standing "Gun shy" in the casino with hardly any bank roll and no practice for the MO and will most likely end up with no experience or a bad experience. I think all of you computer vendors need a training program with a step by step for the device, including standing at a real table layout with a real wheel actually placing some bets on the layout, while practicing a MO that makes you look like Joe Average or Mr J at Vls."
I may agree with you. FFZ/FFV is relatively cheap, so it may be less then 80% :P.
This data confirms it.
[b]As a roulette player, how much do you make per year?
- LES THEN $2K 17.90%
- ABOUT $10K 21.40%
- ABOUT $50K 10.70%
- MORE THEN $100K 14.30%
From this I can take only 10.7% and 14.3% (which is in total 25%) as serious players who managed to find right conditions.
Also is interesting that nobody wants any more talking computer with earpieces, induction loop and wires. FFZ/V R5A is a king with all flexibilities it has.
“I actually have run into people that are using Forester’s RCs. They have all said positive things about it.”
Of course you did, you are the player and FF roulette computers are for real.
“I know of one player that are using foresters device on a regular basis, so they do exist alright.”
Same applies to Kelly.
Yes, you are 100% correct. There is more talk than action.
"There are a few home made things around in europe too, but i think thats mostly on hobby basis."
I do not see why not, programming PDA or mobile many people can do so there is a good chance that some of them play roulette.
Making something as I do is a bit harder, way of programming is harder and on top knowledge of electronics design is required, but benefits are grater.