Forgotten password

:o Hi Forester,

I received an email stating that I clicked the ‘forgot password’ button. I did not though and when I log onto the forum I automatically get logged in.

So someone must of tried to enter the forum with my particulars. That is all I can think of.


Yeah, it was me. PM me your password and credit card information please. Trying to order a bunch of sex toys online.

hahahahaha. ; :DD Aaaa you the guy who bought a blow up doll then returned it to the shop telling them it wasn’t a girl doll but a male doll… on which the saleman told you ‘no man, You have the doll turned inside out!’

Someone is interesting to read what you were writing in forums private section.

Undoubtedly my expertise in vb and looking for info on my various advanced methods. Could be a Ferrari or Lamborghini industrial esponage looking for info on the Vigilante… naahh , it is definately my vb expertise! :stuck_out_tongue: