Scott observes ball crossing rotor numbers and for example when ball crosses 0, then double zero (American wheel 00 is on opposite side), then zero again, if rotor is let’s say 3 sec/r he knows that ball is about 1.5 sec. So when he finds such crossing pattern he reads number under reference point and relates it to ball drop point. If you practise, scanning for cross pattern is reasonably easy. Problem is that ball never makes exact crossing and that we still do not know at which point is braking point in between 2 rotations but that is problem with any VB method. The ball can be 1500ms per rotation or 1550, with cross pattern we can see it same, but 1550ms ball can actually make one less rotation. (This same applies if we are just guessing for particular ball rotation.)
Since Cross patterns are using rotor as a reference, in this example rotor speed was constant 3 sec.
If rotor speed changes only slightly to 3.1s now we find perfect cross over pattern and real ball speed would be 1550 ms (3.1s / 2), 50ms slower ball can make one less rotation to the end of spin, therefore rotor traveling time will be shorter and reference number will not match previous predictions.
We also can analyse what will happen if rotor speed is 2.8 sec/rotation. We will get pattern when the ball is 1.4 s/r we will read our reference number earlier so for example instead of number 0 we may read number 14 (European wheel ball is in clock way direction), but in reality that ball will make one extra rotation, so it will drop at zero + [rotor change to the end of spin ~13 pockets]. Slight change in rotor speed makes us double error (instead of 0 we predict 9 but the ball drops around number 13. Sure the player will make adjustment for rotor change and eliminate 13 pockets error but there is still error from 31 to zero.
Imagine if these two differences can be reversed to each other, it would be perfect way to play and in most situations we wouldn’t need to have additional adjustments for rotor speed changes.
All this means that the player must have perfect feeling for rotor speeds to be able to play cross patterns. Many times it’s been said, one in 1000 will be able to do it.
If you followed you could notice that predictions are late, 3-4 rotations before then ball drops. That is additional problem. On most wheels deceleration of ball at that speed ranges drops, which makes it harder to differentiate in between 2 ball rotations, but also if we miss particular rotation, we have remaining traveling time for rotor wrong by about 1.5 seconds.
If rotor speed id 12 pockets per sec that will produce error of 12p/s x 1.5s= 18 pockets.
But this was example with 2 x cross pattern surely we can use 3 or 4 times, or any variations.
Some people are so skilled they read numbers when ball passing and instantly know pocket distances in between them. There are similar methods to Laurance’s cross pattern, all similar ways but and similar problems.
Check UWE
Cross patterns is very old method to play, just his idea of taking advantage when roulette wheel is tilted is great. Laurance introduced and different approaches to visually predict roulette. Another way of estimating particular ball revolution is by listening sound that ball makes and looking for the knee point (sweet spot) even using a timer. You still can buy his material onlin. Be sure he will not promise you easy winnings (as some) and tell you everything you want to hear just to take money from you. Scott is a knowledgeable person and experienced player, definitely not just a salesman.
Roulette players will never give you a guaranty that you will win, because they know how much it takes to be a winner.
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