I just save this from LS forum board - another way to find the sweet spot or the norm of something …
7200 trials
I checked distancies between each trial, from 0 to 36.
#32 after #0 is distance 1.
#31 after #31 is distance 0.
I looked for the more frequent distancies after distancies.
I pick the best distancies plus their 2 neighbours.
I builded a 13-number-bet for each spin to play(average, from 8 to 20)
Profit= 17546 units in 7200 trials(+18.70%?)
What´s the chance it is just random?
If you need more data just ask.
Even accounting for a curve fit STDEV, this result is well over 7 STDEV - there is almost no chance this is random.
Just be aware that attempting to exploit the signature will most likely alter the signature.
I´ll keep on clocking the wheel for a couple of days to collect 1000 more trials(we now have 9k).
I was amazed of the results and checked 3 times to confirm the profit.
I hope it works.
It means all dealers all ball strength all rotor speeds.
So what it would be if the dealer spins similar spins or if he used
FF’s dealer signature timer to exclude some spins.
If after 10 000 trials I will look to all zones in distances from previous number or from previous distance - of course will find that some parts are with profit some without. Not sure that profit can be as big as 18% or as 7STD, but i think sometimes that is possible and that absolutely not talk , that here are mathematical advantage.
Reason for that is very simple - to get advantage - must be some physical reason !
Here what describe Toby i not see any physical reason , only fact - such was… one week was second when you will try play can be absolutely - other.
Exploit is possible only physical events such as say - always by some reasons the same wheel speed - always the same durattion of spin … etc…
I understand that there is a norm or sweet spot when measuring distance
Dealers have similar things in common
There is some ball speed range and rotor speed range that are similar within certain spread
One simple way to notice this just watching dealers release number and see how many times ball pas reference deflector during the time rotor make one full rotation
Then the norm or the sweet spot shows
For example ball make at average four laps before ball is over release number for a second time when rotor has made one full rotation
The difference is the pocket distance from the reference deflector and where ball is over release number for the second time
If the values would be other the ball rotor combination would have drastically changes and similar patterns or the norm or sweet spot would be gone wish we would notice with eye observation
I reckon if some one use a device and measuring the exact ball/rotor combination some one could find distance hit more frequent then others within a zone or sector
But i pretty sure Toby mapping some distance to be the norm or bias or most common and add plus one pocket for each side for each distance and not shooting for one sector or special area on the wheel - that is how i understand it - i understand it as he collect the most frequent distances and shoot for 8 to 20 number spread - with other word different peaks all over the wheel having some kind of bias
So there is a difference between collecting similar data and aim for sector or special area of the wheel or shooting for bias where the peaks can be at different places on the wheel
I not know , ok that is natural , but not practical. Practical things are twice more important
not clear what you want to say. really you vote on counting distances between ball falls. That is initially not good…
You look only to rest part of distance and compare them . For you 19.4 is the same as 25.4 or 15.4 what is absolute wrong!!!
If you sugest some method of play - try it himself first and you will see that it is not like you write…Even if something that kind can be applyed - that is very hard to use all that…
Simply bias are much more easy and much more certain…
i think you missunderstand me - for example with bias wheels you can have bias sector or bias area that reach above 3.0 SD and other bias you can have different numbers located at different places reaching above 3.0 SD and play does bias numbers (even if does are not sector or area on wheel) as i understand it Toby use last option but with distance
I don’t talk about method or recommend any way to play - i just try to understand what Toby wrote
As i know Toby play only bias and not in super optimal way…, never heard that he will use some distances.
Anyway such distances which you described not have background…Distance from prediction till final number if that is real distance not only rest part of number of rotattions - that is other…