Is it because they dot care for sharing or because they don’t do homework?
Is it because they dot care for sharing or because they don’t do homework?
How to collect roulette data about ball jumps?
If you take it properly it will show you is it worth playing or not.
If you are fortunate to have FF roulette computer timer built in or you can use any timer you have.
Say set the reference time to 2.2s
Start timer and see how much rotor moves
if it is more then half wheel or less.
say it moved ;
18 pockets ball jump 11
17 pockets ball jump 25
16 pockets ball jump 1
After say 100 spins you can look data as one or you can look it at particular rotor speeds.
Marking how much rotor moves in particular time is easier then measuring the time.
If you want to convert 18 pockets movement in 2.2 s to time in which rotor makes full rotation.
x = (37 * 2.2) / 18 or
x = (2.2 / 18) * 37
where 2.2 is time you set
18 pockets rotor makes in that time
37 amount of pockets the wheel has.
Great stuff. You have good knowledge of roulette and physics.
Please explain how to collect ball jump data and how to analyse it. And how to use when playing.
Collecting ball jumps are not hard , it is about effort , as some of AP also adbive that u can simply record the ball jumps on a paper when u r in casino ,
For eg , cw are 17,5,17,18, …etc
Ok, So then you take the average of these jumps or you bet on the most common jump?
Yes, but it is good to know if it changes with rotor speed.
I’ll explain later.
What about ball type? I have seen some balls that are very bouncy and some that land faster
I am guessing 3 factors effect ball jump mostly, frets height, rotor speed and ball type.
What advantage do you recommend for playing? 40% good enough?
40 is huge in my opinion , in my case the ball was very bouncy meaning light and random , howerver after recording jumps and made a simple graph gave me an average of 18 to 21 pocket , but I do not set offest I do offset in my head , say when the rotor is middle spped thay I can recognise in my head , I bet 19 pocket+ BUT if its fast than I will do full 36+ bet also some of -3 pocket as well , this is because I realise while fast rotor on my wheel the ball jumps one rotation OR it bouncese back.
Even with bouncy ball in my case FF was a beast could still predict well ONLY if you know the ball scatter behavior …
But now my local casino changed the ball to smaller one and dum dealer spins the rotor really fast that is almost 2s per rotation which gives me to play with compleltly randomness …
So now looking to investigate in other casino
Hope this could help you
Forester mentioned in one older post that 35% is not good to play. So with 40% you are still playing 60% random
Lets say rotor is constant speed and chart shows possible 35% say across 7 pockets.
There is nothing wrong with that if you can predict 100% number where the ball drops. Even with 50% You still should have ~ 10%
The simplest way is old way we mostly used.
0 xx
2 xx
6 xx
7 xxxxx
8 xx
10 xxx
11 xxxxx
12 xxxxxx
13 xxxx
14 xxxx
15 x
16 xx
18 xx
20 xxx
21 xx
22 x
23 xxxxx
24 xx
26 xx
27 x
28 xxx
29 xx
32 xx
35 x
Make 37 positions and each time the ball jumps say 18 pocket add x to that position.
That wouldn’t give you possibility to look jumps based on rotor speed.
If you have enough data and record and rotor speed in XL you can sort data based on rotor speed then select only range for which you ant data.
For rotor speed you can use anything. Time it or measure distance in particular time or just estimate it.
Say you set FF’s timer to 2 s.
You time rotor and if makes 1/2 rotation +3 pockets
you write +3 followed by amount of pockets the ball jumps let’s say 25 pockets.
In this case +3 means 18.5 pockets for 1/2 rotor plus 3 pockets. making it 21.5.
+3 ; 25
Next spin the rotor makes 2 pockets less then 1/2 rotation and the ball jumps 21 pocket.
Your data continues.
+3 ; 25
-2; 21
You can then process data in XL.
Here is simple file you can look how.
Scatter colect.xlsx (17.1 KB)
FF roulette computer also can collect data which you can export to XL and look. Or even request to calculate jumps for particular ball speed and tell you.
But because the ball drop point is not always as calculated or corrected and it is in 3 pockets resolution the data may better suit FF but it may be shifted from truth by few pockets.
Is this topic in private section where only members with roulette computers can read.
There is a RAT on the forum board and i don’t want to teach him physics so he can trolling other forum boards.
Would like add some thoughts …
very good point lucky_strike, i find a bit off topic if i want to post something about ff do you think ff suport sectiom is good to discuss such case or maybe a new private section where we can talk about ff and experiences
all the best
OK Thanks Forester,
How do you calculate the advantage/edge?
Support and Development are private forum sections VB2 as well.
Some other time, working on the program and it takes longer to explain.
Should you collect ball jump data for the different balls? Casino sometimes change ball
Well yes, the wheel itself is less important. Same ball on same kind of wheel jumps about same way. But different ball on same wheel jumps differently.
In this case we could gather 10000s of jump data for different ball + wheel combination, so we can all save time. Would this work? This should give us a pretty constant jump measure for specific ball and wheel
If in one casino you have 20 wheels and they all are the same.
If they use 3 balls the you should look how that ball jumps.
Each ball may spin slightly differently on each wheel but jumps would be same.
So only 3 charts.
Otter i believe you only need to make a scatter profile for that particular wheel you will play.
Maybe do research one day before you play the wheel or take a laptop with you to the casino and check out for a moment after you collected data and visit a Cafe next door and put the data into the computer to check for peaks and bias pattern to emerge and then get back into the casino one hour later and play the wheel after checking that you still have same conditions.
I don’t know if you have a excel software or Laruance Scott RA or any other tool to anylaze data with.
But this is closer to reality then collecting 10.000 trails data for scatter patterns.
That is my opinion - Cheers