FFZ and FFV roulette computers powered by the Acrobat 6.
What do you think?
Really nice video, thanks a lot!
Just I couldn’t understand why I see other numbers predicted from that one you speak on the video???(for example I hear the triple beep on 7-28-29 and you say that predicted number is 10-23… and a lot of times like this on the video)
Forgot to demonstrate how is the shortcut from play menu-4 to the set menu-6 to collect more samples and go back play again.
Waiting for last retouches and the ball jumps issues as we spoke and it’ll be completed.
What to do with menu-3, have to put something there??
Maybe earlier or later prediction.
Video is in 2 dimensions and smaller than real wheel often i may see say #3 when zap on video is few pockets after. It is more on faster ball speeds. Another reason for such shift is the systems compensation for our response what we see because of 2 moving objects in opposite directions.
Forgot to demonstrate how is the shortcut from play menu-4 to the set menu-6 to collect more samples and go back play again.
6 FAST CLICKS, followed by 2x6 rapid zaps to give you a warning. I will finish the instructions soon.
We will find something
After that saving as usually back us directly to the play menu-4 on ball dirrections selection, isn’t it???
Yes, after 6 fast you are in set menu , after that the process is the same as menu 1.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Acrobat 6 developmnent