Acrobat 25% discount!
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I’ll be away for almost 2 months therefore pre-order any of FF roulette computers and save 25%.
The offer is valid until 19th of August 2013. All orders created before 3rd of July will be shipped immediately; remaining will be shipped last week in August.
To get 25% discount please use coupon code; SUMMER25 at
After months of testing new approaches for predicting roulette wheel outcomes, based on principles of the Acrobat system, we finally come with the Acrobat 2 program (only for FFZ and FFV). The new program is almost identical to use with previous one. The way how it predicts is significantly changed. The Acrobat 2 from all set samples predicts up to 8 results then from them based on probability it picks one and predicts.
Remaining options are similar to the Acrobat 1. In addition the Acrobat 2 can collect various data for ball jumps analyzing, quality of predictions rotor speeds, ball direction etc.