ACC, t and T question


Can anyone explain how ACC is calculated?

I see in the VB2 pdf that the t=1000 / (rotor time x ACC)
and “ t” is the time needed for ball observation

Than on the forum I see this formula:

T=( t1 x t2 x t) / (R x (t2 - t1))

T is the reference time.

Can someone explain if the from the 1st formula is the same as from the second formula?
Maybe it is a silly question, but I see different explanations.

Thank you in advance,

Iulian Fyx

t=1000 / (rotor time x ACC)
This one is based if you take time difference in between two ball rotations when the ball is ~1 sec/rotation.
Some earlier FFA’s would tell the player ACC or he can take it from video spin.

T=( t1 x t2 x t) / (R x (t2 - t1))
Is a bit different. If you have a video spin and take times of ball rotations.
For example 600, 650, 730,850,1000,1260….ms.
And if you want to apply vb2 at 730-1000.

Then you can calculate VB2 time for all range t1 = 0.730s t2 =1s t=added rotations in between (0.850s+1s) R = rotor time in seconds for example 4s
T=(0.7 x 1 x 1.85) / (4 x (1-0.75))
=(1.295) / (1) = 1.295 s.

It is only a mathematical prove about system.
In reality to play it you do not need to calculate the time but to apply it and compare.
It’s easy since the system claims to produce same results at different moments during the spin.
Let’s say you apply 2 seconds time 13 sec before the end of spin, read predicted number, then instantly around 10s to the end start applying same time and read the number, if predictions are same then the time is correct, if not and for example second prediction passing first predicted number the time needs to be longer.

You know well how to use this forums space :wink:

almost got it, thank you :slight_smile:

but why in the above example you selected t1 as 730ms and not 850, 650 or 600?

but why in the above example you selected t1 as 730ms and not 850, 650 or 600?

Its only example where I wanted to show you how I select only part of the spin, so you don’t think it has to be first ball rotation of the spin.
Of course this is only example so values are no real but for t1 you could use any of 600, 650, 730,850
Just have in mid with each “t” changes as well, since the t is time from t1-t2 which is added ball rotations in between t1 and t2.

Got it.

Thanks for the explanation Forester.

Have a great day,