“The player was right but the ball was wrong.”
It may sound interesting but it’s not correct.
Meaning the players measures was perfect but because of a tiny fraction of extra speed, the ball managed to pass the uphill.
It means that players measurement wasn’t good enough.
We could say the player was right but the ball was wrong only if the ball speed was same speed with same ball deceleration at particular point ends differently. But if instead lets say 1100 ms the ball is 20 ms per rotation faster (1080ms) which causes ball to go for additional rotation is not really that ball went for additional rotation but that player made mistake and did not have prediction in particular targeted ball rotation.
For analyses lets say 1100ms ball makes perfect pattern for prediction right in middle of number, and everyting is fine. But if next spin the ball is 1080 the player will still identify it as a pattern because he will still see same (20ms difference doesn’t make any noticeable difference to rotor movement), however until the ball drops there is one extra ball rotation which will cause errors in prediction.
Have a look video where I was explaining tilt2 set up.
If you look more carefully you will notice that system doesn’t predict in same rotation every time but if it is different rotation the system simply know how many pockets to add or subtract to still have accurate prediction. It is because it can define ball parameters within few ms. of accuracy.
For VB player to notice such change when he observing it would be only like 1/10 of single pocket difference, and he will not know where exactly it is. Therefore even if he has skill to perfectly inline all needed within one pocket he will still have some amount of spins not hitting DD, and remaining distributed in between 2 rotations. Distribution always can change due to even small rotor speed changes. That is probably reason why uchimata claims offset changes if he uses similar aproach.
In your explanation you showed 3 rotations at 12 o’clock, and you will always have few because the difference which we observe is only the difference that rotor makes because of change in ball speed per rotation. That really is not much and it causes only about 1 pocket difference in rotor movement. Player will never be able to choose right one all the time, also his observation and in-lining of everything will never be perfect.
If system is designed for slower rotors as you explained then most of errors will be + or - 9 pockets, so why to play opposite sides to compensate to it?
You guys are wrong if believing that last rotation is one extra rotation of in usual 2.x seconds. No it is not it is one that is wrongly taken when player thought he has everything inline.