Stefano Hourmouzis's latest scam

Sorry but i disagree with you. Indeed the signature is not clear at this stage (the end of the video), because there are only 150 spins, this is not enough, unless he would have used the ball in his first video demonstration i still have, a big ball which made no more than 6 revolutions.

I’ve charted the predictions he called comparing to where the ball landed last, and you can see that he predicts largely around -11 pockets. See the peak: It is certainly not coincidental.

This is only charting with the last outcome. Now he may have adjusted his “jump count” with the release point, which is sometimes the last outcome but sometimes 8-10 pockets from it, that would explain the jump counts used are also +16 +15…

Now concerning his computer and his bullshit pc dvd player skipping argument:

  1. You have shown that you can get accurate predictions with your FF on Gordon’s wheel and it was done on a video played with a pc dvd player.

  2. No matter if the pc dvd player was skipping, this is the accuracy of the clicks that are importants.
    Indeed, if my pc dvd player was skipping, i would have not been accurate, and unfortunately for Stefano, they are VERY accurate (impossible to repeat in a Casino environment).
    Everyone can measure my wheel clicks ans ball clicks in this video, you can refer to Stefano’s voice or if you want to be more precise, calculate the time between my clicks which are shown on the phone screen.

And finally, if the pc dvd player was skipping i would not get close predictions from different sectors.
I would have get like: 0, 19, 7 , 25 etc…
In my video i get predictions: 24,16,33,25,34

This shows clearly that it is a calculation error with the algorythms, certainly not INACCURATE clicks since i get CLOSE PREDICTIONS FROM DIFFERENT SECTORS.

And the funniest is Stefano gets the same problem in one of his video DONE ON A DVD PLAYER FROM A HOME CINEMA (So no excuse of skipping). He gets predictions close to Numbero Zero, and suddenly he got Number 23 as a prediction.
Yes 17 pockets from the predicted sector, whereas he is accurate in his clicks, and confortably at home.
What a coincidence.

Stefano will never acknowledge his algorythms suck. If it was not the case, he would have never asked you to meet you and reveal both your algorythms because Stefano wrote in the email that your algorythms deals better with human errors in timing than his.

And now he claims that your computer is cheap and your algorythms can be developped in 10 minutes by an amateur.

After all those contradictory claims, he would like us to be friendly and doesn’t understand why we call him a scammer.


Correct me if I am wrong.

Your graph is prediction where the ball stops.

Graph that I showed is prediction where the ball hits rotor.

(where the ball hits rotor) is first number which the ball hits on the rotor.

Before then we get final result we must have high pick in distance from prediction to “where the ball hits rotor”. Other way results are coincidence.
Computer cannot predict how ball will bounce.
But many spins on DVD he gets even spinners that jumping by 2 rotations, stopping on predicted number. FIRST OBJECTIVE OF COMPUTER IS TO PREDICT WHERE THE BALL WILL HIT ROTOR.

Did you look same DVD as me?
For spins I used his DVD that he supplies with computer. And the graph is his computer prediction vs number where the ball hits rotor.
It is one where he says that he will block everyone’s computer if he finds out that it has been used in casino.

Regarding his prediction to zero and then to 23.

If you look HIS SINGLE SPIN video carefully you can notice that he is start using continuous clocking with not fixed amount of clicks. That isn’t his way and if you remember he criticized my approach.

Now he is doing it because he is trying to predict it as tilted wheel.

To get same result when clocking on different diamond he gradually shifts clocking position. That way he is giving wrong data of the ball to match clocking result on previous diamond. With tilted wheel prediction he can have even 200ms (or any preset) tolerance for the ball to predict same number, and the difference in numbers he gets as result is only because of inaccuracy of rotor clocking.
To get accurate prediction and to have error correction on leveled wheel he would need better then 10 ms accuracy which is simply impossible to get on mobile phone.
Stefano probably repeated recordings many times until he got it right.
He still got it once wrongly predicted (number 23) because he got prediction in wrong rotation.
That is what I think, but it is very easy to make video any way you want.

About DVD skipping.
If it is the case then system shouldn’t have prediction. It would detect inaccurate data.
With that he only putting himself down discovering that his computer can’t do even that.
If you remember video that he made with FFZ, look carefully and you will see that 21 spin have ~1:15 hit rate, remaining 10 was not predicted because he screwed clocking.
Same would happen if you try to do it on DVD that doesn’t play right.
Computer must know if clocked data is correct or not, is it within limits, if it is it should correct it, or not predict, other way computer doesn’t have any error correction. But Stefano is full of rubbish and he will blame everybody except himself.


No, my graph is about how Stefano predicts his next sector in regards of where the ball last landed.
For example, if the last winning number was Zero, then according to my graph, he would likely predicts around number 31. So it is clear he is using dealer signature, since he is using around the same pocket distance from where the ball last landed, which is not far from where he releases the ball.

You are right, if the pc dvd player was skipping, then it should not predict since it would not match AT ALL the ball samples entered to set up the computer.
But Stefano’s computer does it because it does not have any correction for ball clocking.
On my home cinema, to verify this fact when i was repeating the same single spin, i intentionnaly clocked later or sooner in regards of my reference diamond (i.e: 12 o’clock). Results was i received a prediction which was of course rubbish.

It was your responsability to know if you clicked well or not to know if the computer was predicting ok.


Ok ,
Did you say spins are very short?
I still do not believe that DS would work on more then 12 sec to the end on leveled wheel. Who knows what he is doing?
All I know is that his computer can not predict by calculating rotor and ball speed, and that he talks all the time rubbish.
Anyway why he would bother about single spin test if few months earlier he calls it invalid and did not understand it at all. Now he constantly tries to prove, that his computer can do it. Maybe it can but I know that none of his computers which he sold past 3 years could do it, or all people have had skipping DVD players.
His previously shown videos did have final results but never proper hits to rotor.

You are right, if the pc dvd player was skipping, then it should not predict since it would not match AT ALL the ball samples entered to set up the computer.

Well, Stefano’s computer needs samples to be entered in steps of full rotations. FF learns it automatically and defines much better curve then manually entered samples.

FF lets player make about 30-40 ms around formatted curve or it gives error 3.
If few rotations are clocked system can correct it.

Hi Forester,

Maybe i will post more analysis graph when i’ve the time, but for now you can watch his 1 hour video and see for yourself that each spin the ball revolutions are low, around 10-12 revolutions, sometimes less.
The less ball revolutions, the more likely the DS will define.
Also an important aspect is the ball scatter of course, which is tight on this wheel. The ball landing is close to the ball striking, i will make the graph soon and you will see this is not Casino conditions, nor his ball revolutions, or very rare (maybe encountered 3 times with new employed dealers).

Tilted wheels are of course a plus when you are tracking dealer signature, but if you have both aspects mentionned here (low ball revolutions and tight ball scatter) you will find a definition.

This is not for nothing that Stefano predicts around minus 11 pockets from where the ball last landed, this is because a peak appears in this area when you are sampling a lot of spins.


So you are referring to his current video.
I did not look at it, I’ve seen enough.

This chart looks to me as tremendous amount of work!!! :o

Yes we work.