Looking for somethink new any help?

;)so im ne w here bad not new in this thin ks that means loookingfor somethink very good like vb think plus nok komputer orr lexicon orr somethink realy new any help will be very apprecaetid thank s lot everybody my mail [email protected] i dont give s…t just reality please …for another advice for everybody best for find new technologies which dont know casinos is NANOBOT technologies that s mean u can buy perfect predict computer and after when u know it is work u can little bit change in one perfect goverment army company where u pay just little money for what u recieve after and believe everybody it is reaaaaaaal shit how s go technologies in future . dont need any device to take in casino just live in car with smail . any info thru mail thank s Bullyson

and what is old that you already know or have?

i was have chance to see how work nok eee quiet ok i would like to buy somethink what realy work it is long way to do everithink right but :wink:

Where are you from?
